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The day of the anticipated date finally arrived, and the atmosphere at U.A. High's dorm was a mix of excited chatter and mischievous planning. As Bakugou and Todoroki prepared to leave, they were met with a gauntlet of their classmates, each acting more ridiculous than the last.

Kaminari pretended to sob dramatically, "Oh, how our little Bakugou has grown up!"

Mina, camera in hand, was ready to document every moment. "Remember to smile, boys!"

Even stoic Iida couldn't resist, giving a stern "Ensure you adhere to all the rules of proper dating etiquette!"

Shoto, ever composed, had meticulously planned the day, hoping to ensure it was perfect. But as they say, even the best-laid plans...

First, Todoroki's reservation at a classy restaurant went awry when they discovered it had been mistakenly made for the following month. Instead, they ended up at a chaotic fast-food joint where they accidentally received a kid's meal complete with a toy quirk-action figure. Bakugou found it hilarious when his action figure turned out to be a miniature version of himself, with exaggerated explosive features.

Then, a walk in the park turned into an impromptu duck chase when Bakugou's attempt to feed them led to him being chased around by an overly enthusiastic flock. Todoroki, in an attempt to help, slipped and ended up in the pond, his hair a dripping mess.

To top it all off, a visit to the cinema saw them stuck in the middle of a children's animated movie marathon. Both sat through three hours of colorful characters, catchy songs, and predictable storylines, occasionally glancing at each other with bemused expressions.

By the evening, as the sun painted the sky with hues of pink and orange, Todoroki, face flushed, turned to Bakugou. "I'm... I'm really sorry, Bakugou. I wanted this to be perfect, but it all went wrong. I thought this was my last chance."

To Todoroki's surprise, Bakugou burst into genuine laughter, his usually fierce eyes twinkling with amusement. "I expected a boring, typical date, Shoto. But this... this was honestly the most fun I've had in a while."

Todoroki stared, taken aback. The candid laughter, the softening of Bakugou's usual stern demeanor, made something in Todoroki's heart flutter. Without another thought, caught up in the emotion of the moment, he leaned in, pressing his lips against Bakugou's.

The kiss was brief, a mere brush of lips, but it was filled with all the unsaid emotions that had been building between the two.

As they pulled apart, both red-faced but smiling, Bakugou smirked, "Who knew Icyhot had such a bold side?"

Todoroki chuckled, "Only for those I care about."

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