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Wednesday was never a happy person. 

Common knowledge.

But she was never sad. She never seemed to be upset, or down in any way.

Which is why Xavier was worried. She seemed tired lately, not like her usual snappy self at all. She didn't make her usual rude comebacks, or threaten people. The most he'd seen her do all week was roll her eyes at something Enid had said, and what Enid had said just so happened to be utterly atrocious. 

Even Eugene would have rolled his eyes. 

Xavier had noticed the dark circles under her eyes, too. They were worse then normal, standing out like bruises under her dark eyes. Her skin was paler, almost paper white. Her normally shiny hair was dull, and without character. 

She no longer came to fencing, and the few times she did, she stuck with the easy people. The newbies. Xavier hadn't heard the gorgeous music of her cello in almost a month, which worried him because Wednesday was always one to practice, and had a planned schedule that she was very adamant on following. 

He even noticed her grades dropping. 

A +.





And Wednesday was always, without doubt, perfect. The grades didn't make sense. She was basically genius level. How was she slowly becoming average?

Enid seemed to notice too. She brought it up once with Xavier privately. 

"She's been...different, you know?"

He prayed she was okay.

He worried for the small girl daily.

He noticed even smaller concerning details. Uneven braids. No makeup. Chipping nail polish. Wrinkled clothes. And Wednesday was a perfectionist. 

"She doesn't act like herself, not anymore."

It was getting increasingly more concerning as the days went by. 

"She doesn't even write anymore!"

Enid was losing her chill, her anxiety over the other girls mental health crept into Xavier. 






Did this have something to do with Xavier? Enid? Did this have something to do with family?

Xavier didn't know, she never brought up the fact she was upset, depressed, whatever it was that was going on.

But Xavier had to know. He was scared.

He had to go talk to her.

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