Statement of Martin Blackwood-Sims

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Statement of Martin Blackwood-Sims, regarding the time he broke Jonathon Blackwood-Sims' favorite mug and lied about it. Statement taken direct from subject September, 23rd, 2023. Statement begins.

When the ceramic hit the floor, it was as loud a bomb to Martins ears. Would Jon hear it? Of course he would. It was so loud, anyone could hear it. The cats, carefully painted on it, were now forever separated- would Jon do the same to Martin?

No. Of course not. He wouldn't divorce him over a mug- people have done more  because of less, Martin reminded himself. He was just trying to make tea. Like always. He'd memorized how Jon liked his tea a long time ago. He'd memorized a lot about Jon. Jon was all he thought about. Well.  Him and his mother. His mother....

Would Jon hate him as well? Was that the front door closing? Was Jon home?

Jon was going to see the broken ceramic and leave him and he'd be alone again and forever just like his mother had always told him.


Martin quickly scooped up the broken ceramic with his hands- Its fine, I'll just say I was trying to cuddle one of the cats and they didn't like it, he told himself as his own blood trickled down from the fresh cuts in his skin- and put it in the trash bin. Jon entered the kitchen.

"Hello, Martin..." Jon was tired.

Martin answered in his faux, cheery fashion, calling Jon by the pet name he had created. The one that Jon would never know the reasoning behind- he needed something stable. Jon was his rock. His pebble.- never. Never know the reason.

Jon mentioned the blood and Martin told him the lie he had prepared. Jon gave him a kiss and went to take a shower.

 Martin was alone again.

He began to bandage his hands.


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