Chapter 7- A new home

Start from the beginning

"You must be Fizz! My uncle always talks about you, I'm Octavia Goetia, Prince Stolas's daughter" she said enthusiastically

"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you Octavia. May I presume that you have something to do with the human?" Fizz enquired, unconsciously dropping into the respectful tone imps generally had to use around Sins, Overlords and royalty. (Ozzie was the obvious exception.) She didn't look like the type for torture but you could never be sure.

This time it was the hellhound who spoke
"You could say that, yes. Oh I'm Loona by the way"

"Loona's co-workers found him in the human world, he has been abused and her dad made the executive decision to take him to hell , somehow he was able to pass through the barriers, and we convinced Asmodeus to adopt him! Oh and Loona and I will be staying here to help for a bit, if that is alright with you I mean" Octavia elaborated "and please call me Via, Octavia makes me feel far too formal"

"I see.. Loona, Via, if you would be so kind as to excuse us for a minute? Ozzie and I need a talk"

The imp strode up the spiral staircase in the middle of the hall, Asmodeus hastily handed Harry to Loona with instructions to find him a bed and then dartrd after him. Once upstairs they went to their bedroom and Fizz firmly shut the door.

"Ozzie, you have 1 minute to explain why in hell you agreed to adopt a human child, or I go downstairs and tell those girls they can find another home for him."

The Sin winced
"Just to clarify... erm ... is it the human bit you object to or the child bit?"

He was fixed with a stare that conveyed the message that he was an idiotic dunderhead.
"Both! We can't raise a child! I can't raise a child! Neither of us know the slightest thing about child-raising!"

"Well..that is why Via and Loona are here "

"NOT THE POINT! And he is alive! He shouldn't be in Hell at all! What will Lucifer say?"

"Ah. Yes. That is part of the reason why I adopted him..."

"Asmodeus. You are not seriously telling me that you agreed to act as a bloody shield against the fucking leader of the Sins for one human kid and a bunch of demons you don't know?"

"Via's father is my second cousin.... and his consort is Loona's father.... unofficially that is"

Fizz was about to snap something back when he paused, thought through what his Sin had said, and then stated, in his murderous voice,

"Blitzo. You are risking your sanity, health, and existence for Blitzo. The fucking traitor who left me to DIE. "

Asmodeus gulped
".... yes?"

"Unbelievable. Un-fucking-believable. I cannot believe you Ozz, you know how much I hate him!"

"But I couldn't just leave Harry to be killed by Lucy or sent back to those humans! Fizz, you hate child abuse as much as I do! He's barely 36 moons and he's already got scars from those-those pathetic excuses for humans"

Although wickedness in general was approved in hell, child abuse was where many demons drew the line, especially sinner demons. This was not to say sinner demons were weak, look at Alastor for example, a sinner demon and one of Hell's strongest Overlords!

Fizz's eyes softened slightly, enough for Asmodeus to relax a tiny bit

"I understand that, but are we really the best people to raise a kid? Especially one who may choose to return to the human world when he is older? I mean, I'm an imp from Wrath and you're the Sin of Lust. Hardly the best role models for anyone, really"

"Well, the Ars Goetia in general are a load of power hungry, manipulative bitches, there's no way in Heaven I'm ever going to consider giving him to any Overlord, any other demons are not powerful enough, and out of my siblings
Bee is ridiculously irresponsible, Satan is well, Wrath personified, Lucy has far more important things to do, Levi is not, and will never be, any sort of positive influence, Bel is too lazy to look after anyone, and I'll be redeemed before I give anything or anyone to Mammon.
So that just leaves us...."

"I mean... Oz, are you sure raising him in Hell is a good plan? Surely he'll be safer in the human world?"

"Fizz, he had a piece of someone else's soul in his head." Asmodeus pleaded

"He stays." Fizz stated.


Via had successfully found and set up a small bed in the room that she would share with Loona. It was a huge room with bunk beds on either side and a large heart shaped window.

Loona laid still-sleeping Harry in the, also heart-shaped, bed and smiled to herself. She quickly decided to go to sleep and claimed one of the bunk beds as Via claimed the other one.

It had been an exhausting day, hopefully tomorrow would be better.....


Hope you enjoyed! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but hopefully, I should have enough writing time to update more regularly.

This will (probably) not follow the new hazbin show but I may be using some of the characters and definitely Alastor's rivalry with Vox although that will be later on in the fic



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