Chapter 2

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Later that day Ash went to therepy.

"Look,Ash,I know what it's like to feel...different." His therepist sayed.

"But I'm not different. Am I?" Ash asked.

"I'll let you figure that out. For now we're done. See you later this week?"

"Yea." Ash sayed.

"Okay,bye!" His therepist sayed.

"Goodbye." Ash sayed.

"Why am I different? I look like other kids? Why do people think I'm different? Am I?" Ash asked him self. He burst in to tears. He ran away as salty tears fell down his face. He didn't want anyone to see him like this.

When he got home he remembered he was supost to meet up whit Charlie. He ran out and got to the park he saw Charlie yesterday at. Charlie was alredy there waiting for him.

"I thought you'd never come!" Charlie sayed. Clearly haooy to see Ash.

"Yeah,sorry I was late." Ash sayed.

"Oh it's okay don't worry!!" Charlie sayed tring to comfert Ash.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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