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WARNING: slight 'The Darkest Minds' movie spoilers

Naomi POV:

After what happened with Clancy, Zu went with kids her age, Chubbs was still in the hospital. I have no idea where Liam ran off to after the League let him leave. Ruby went with the League. Her and some lady named Cate tried to get me to join them but I declined. I don't want that, I wanna find somewhere, someone, who understands me. Even if I'm mute, I just want my person.

So the League respected that and gave me a car, a nice one at that. A matte black 1970, Dodge Challenger. I took it, said goodbye to Ruby and was on my way. Where? I'm not sure yet, wherever the roads take me I guess.

I don't know what i'm gonna do without Zu, she was like a little sister to me. She was the one that grounded me. Or without Chubbs and his rants about something he's read. Liam and his protective dad nature that made me feel wanted. And finally Ruby, even though I didn't know her very long I still felt as if she was meant to meet us, I trusted her. But that's in the past now, they have better lives. They don't need me anymore.

~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~

I pulled to a stop at a gas station to refill on the necessities, as well as gas. Grabbing snacks, first aid stuff, a new jacket, and a hat. After using the bathroom and some other things I was out the door.

As I was leaving I saw someone pull into the small parking lot of the station. I could feel my eyes change color as I listened for any sign of it being a tracer. Peeking out the window on the far side of the store, I saw two figures. One of them a red-headed female looked to be about 5'3-5'4 maybe, she was wearing a black skin tight suit with a red symbol on the belt. The other was a dirty blonde male about 6'0, dressed as the American flag? What a weird costume. 

They looked at each other than at my car, and at the station I'm currently sitting in. Once they started walking towards me I stood up out of the way of the windows. I could hear their foot steps and heart beats. They walk with purpose, but his heart says he's scared, probably of me. Or more accurately, of what I can do. her on the other hand she didn't sound scared at all. Right now I can either; go out there set a smoke screen and get the hell out of here, or I could stay and fight. *Yea, I'm gonna go with the smoke screen idea, I don't wanna risk going back to those camps.*

I stuff all my supplies into the backpack I brought with me, and stood ready to run out. But I second guessed myself. *what if they aren't here to hurt me. Maybe they're just on their way somewhere and needed supplies* I thought to myself. *no, I don't care what they're doing here I'm not going back to those hell holes.* 

Purple smoke started flowing out of my hands and through the air as I booked it toward my Challenger. All I could see of their reaction was the shock written on their faces before they disappeared into my cloud of smoke. Jumping into the drivers side I tossed my bag into the seat beside me and started the car. I was driving off when I heard a thud above me, then a feminine hand on the passenger side of the roof. 

Eyes narrow I drifted, but somehow she stayed on. Shit. *huh, this is gonna be harder than I thought* Her head popped down and she grabbed the door handle. shit shit shit. But then she said something I was not expecting:

"I'm not here to hurt you kid! I'm trying to help you." she said looking at me with her emerald green eyes. "please let me in so I can explain." The look in my gray eyes gave her the hint that I'm not one you want to make angry. So as soft as she could muster she asked again "please, I promise I'm not going to hurt you." 

I finely give in and unlock the doors so she could slip in. As she does so a grab a notebook and pen from the dashboard and write these words on it:

'try to hurt me in any way and you will be road kill, got it? And I'm not a fucking kid, dumbass' I put the notebook by her and she read it then looked at me.

"Like I said I'm not here to hurt you." she responded with all seriousness in her voice. I looked at her briefly then at the road. "So kid, what's your name? If you don't mind me asking" I grabbed the notepad and was writing when my nose started to sting. Which only meant one thing; tracers. A thing that happens when tracers are near, one in particular makes my nose go wild: Lady Jane. Shit. but I thought she was in the middle of the forest walking for all eternity? 

'Naomi. Now shut up so I can get us away from this asshole' the note said. She looked it over then around us. 'And don't call me kid'

"what asshole no ones else is out here. Naomi were in the middle of nowhere. but fine I won't call you kid" she questioned looking back at me. I shoved my finger down on the paper where it said 'shut up' and then pointed to the road ahead. Her gaze follows my finger and sees a car half a mile down the street were on. "Naomi who is that? You know you that is? How? We're like half a mile apart?"

Her questions go unanswered. My eyes glued to the road and hers go to my face. Once gray my eyes glow purple, as I open the window on my side and stick my hand out. Letting the smoke screen flow out and swerve off the road to avoid collision. Though Lady Jane must of somehow skipped through the smoke because she was right behind me.

I took the notepad and said to the stranger in the passenger seat: 'i'm gonna stop this motherfucker right here, right now. I want you to take the wheel and once that car is gone your gonna come back for me, if you don't or if you break my car, I'll find you and you'll be in a world of hell' she just nodded and reassured me she's wasn't gonna leave me stranded out here nor break my car, and grabbed the wheel.

I opened my door and used my super speed to run and jump onto Lady Jane's car. She had guns out and ready so she started shooting but I either dodged them or caught them. All I had to do to break her car was punch. And that I did. I didn't care if she died or not as long as she wasn't going to be able to chase me anymore.

Lets just say things for Lady Jane didn't end up looking to good, her car blew up with her stuck in it and I got away. Again. With my eyes still glowing I saw my Challenger come barreling closer and finally come to a stop in front of me. 

I approached the drivers side and pulled the door open, the stranger sitting there smirking. I jutted my thumb backwards signaling for her to get out, but she didn't move. So I grabbed her arm and yanked her out with ease. A look of surprise spread over her features replacing the smirk. *I don't give a shit* was my only thought. 

Yes this stranger just saw some of what I can do. But I'm not risking my ass getting put back in those camps. I returned to my spot in the drivers seat, then looked at her with a 'you coming?' look. She stared into my eyes that I could feel are still purple. Confusion and shock plastered on her face. Once inside I floored the gas pedal and we where off again, without disruption. As of right now at least.


Bum bum buuummmm! there you go guys there's the first of many chapters to come. I hope you guys liked it and please send any feedback you may have. thank you for reading, have a good night/day or evening. make sure to eat and drink something bye.

I AM A PURPLE (The Darkest Minds x Marvel fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now