New school new life

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Lucia after a two hour plane trip I finally made it to New York and when I walked through the gates I saw eda and raine and little king he's so cute I hugged them after all I miss them very much I haven't seen them since king was 2 and I was 12 king is now 5.
"Woah kid go easy my old bones can't handle your tight hug's anymore Raines can probably but not me" Eda's voice and smile made me happy after all haven't seen her or raine in awhile. They took me to the car and after an hour car ride and a million "are we there yet" by king we finally got home eda's owls hooty and owlbert were still somehow alive they have been there since I was born and even since king was born also king has a new pet bunny well it's actually raines but king named it Francois and the bunny isn't allowed with king but king somehow manages to see the bunny.
"Alright kid welcome to the owl house I'll show you to your room you have a week to relax and take everything out of your system before you go to your new school,hexside I listen to eda I remember that I have a friend here who moved here when we were 12 every time I would see eda I was see her that's right willow I wonder how she's doing last time I saw her she said she was getting bullied by some rich snob amity blight I wonder if willow will regconise me after all I have changed if I do say so myself well I'm gonna find out in two weeks
~time skip 1 week cause I'm out of ideas~

(Lucia pov)
Finally at this hexside school well I got the bus here I go in and this short hearted darkish blackish green haired person with round glasses seems like they are waiting for someone I pass them and they grab onto my arm.
"Scuse stranger but why are you touching me respectfully do I know you or something" I say like obviously using my logic
"So sad you can't even remember your best friend can't you remember me it's me willow" she looked up and me and I couldn't even recognise her she looked tired her hair was short she grew up a bit I guess she's like at least
5'8 or 5'7.
"You sure your willow cause the willow I know is very happy and determined you look tired and sad, nah im joking are you my guide for the day or ?" I asked willow smirking a bit cause I'm the best frfr
"Yeah I'm your guide now come on I don't have all day I'll tell you what happened later when we actually have time"

~time skip the tour~
"So I've showed you where all of your classes are luckily most of you classes you have with me and gus you even though he's young he's very smart so he is in our grade now come one with have science with miss Lilith clawforne" we walk to our class I introduce myself and I'm asked to sit next to this between this girl amity and skara as I sit down this girl amity makes a face as she side eyes me the other girl skara starts speaking to me.
"So Lucia where you from I was born here but I feel like you aren't from New York am I right" she smiled at me that girl skara she's very nice in my opinion so we spoke most of the class and amity seemed pissed when class was finished willow dragged me to speak privately.
"See that girl you sat next to amity she's a real bitch she's also the reason my hairs like this we used to be friends but that changed after you left I don't know why but just don't trust her she's trouble" damn willow really didn't like this girl and if that girl made willow like that she had to be real evil.
"Ok ok I won't mess with her not like I was gonna anyway" willow knew damn well I was lying I was make hell while teasing her.
Are you kidding me this is more words than before dam 724 words is crazy fr fr

If only she was more niceWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt