Its getting colder

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I sat on my frozen pond and made snowflakes appear on the tip of my finger.

A gust of wind riffled my hair. Ignoring it I manifested another snowflake.

Then the wind grew stronger, pushing me up.

I quickly realized this wind wasn't ordinary.

"Okay, okay!" I said standing up.

I went in the direction of the wind.

It kept pushing me impatiently. Suddenly it whisked me into the air.

I clutched my staff tightly as the wind tumbled me like a rag doll. I couldn't fight the wind. I wondered just why it was doing this.

The last time something like this happens I became a guardian.

The wind pushed me so fast I began to feel sick.

Finally it dropped me. And I mean I was dropped from pretty high up.

Where I was dropped, well, that's something I really have no clue about.

It looked like a small town. However, nobody here could see me. At least they didn't acknowledge me if they could.

Which meant that nobody believed in me. That bothered me quite a bit. I'm Jack frost how could nobody here believe in me. It just didn't make sense.

Sulking I walked around for a while searching for clues. Then I heard screams. The first thing that popped into my head was pitch black.

I grabbed my staff and soared towards the sound.

The first thing I noticed was a floating teenager who looked surprisingly a lot like me. He had white hair and glowing eyes.

He seemed to be battling with a ghost. It definitely wasn't one of us spirits.

He defeated it and encased it in a soup thermos. Strange thing.

But before I could question him he disappeared.

Sighing I touched down into the sidewalk and went to investigate the damage. It was minimal but still. A window was damaged, that's all.

My day was going to be wasted.

"WHY DID YOU BRING ME HERE?!" I screamed into the sky. Nothing. Not even a gust of wind.

Scowling I started walking down the street. Why would the wind drop me off someplace?

I was running out of theories. My attention was momentarily stolen by a shop window when...


Something bumped right into me. I whipped my head around to see a teenager rubbing his forehead.

The kid had black hair and eye catching blue irises.

He gave me a quick once over, mumbled out an apology and walked away.

I stared at the kid mind boggled over his reaction. If he saw me, then he should know who I am.

But he didn't seem to recognize me at all.

Curious I followed them. Suddenly they stopped. I hid behind a mail box and peered out.

The girl grabbed the kids shoulders and started demanding him who he was talking.

Confused the kid replied nonchalantly.

The guy with glasses whispered something and the kid shook his head.

Intrigued even more I followed him even after he split up with his friends.

His night was surprisingly boring. He didn't even eat dinner, just slept the entire time.

Danny's alarm beeped in an alerting shrill sound. Danny's eyes snapped and he grimaced. He thought about zapping the alarm but it would be his third offense.

He couldn't keep using the same excuse, I mean, how many times did he think a normal alarm clock usually blew up.

Danny got ready for school and he flew invisibly. Flying was way better than riding the bus.

School was uneventful for a change.

"I think your bags have reduced" Sam commented. They had been talking about his abnormal sleeping habits.

Danny yawned.

"One good night of sleep, wish that always happened."

Jack Frost had left the sleeping boy to investigate the portal in his basement. It held a weird energy and made Jack uneasy. He stuck his arm in and quickly yanked it back out.

That had been reckless, still Danny being able to see him and not recognizing him was intriguing.

He continued to investigate the portal finding everything he could and making mental notes.

Suddenly Jack felt a strong wind.

"Not right now, I'm busy" he yelled at the invisible force. Evidently it didn't seem to care.

Soon Jack was being pulled in the direction of a public high school.

The wind landed him in front of the school.

Jack took a step to leave, the penalty for that blunder was being bounced right back.

Jack sighed and looked for an open window.

Danny stared bored as his teacher explained the biological makeup of ghosts, a new class incorporated.

Danny yawned, at least it wasn't his parents commissioned to teach the class.

Danny shivered and a small wave of fear crept over him. Then it was gone.

Danny scanned the room and his breath hitched. That guy from he other day was standing in front of a window near the front of the classroom.

Danny quickly looked at his two friends, both were unconcerned. Danny looked around at his classmates. It was strange, if this guy was a ghost everyone would be running.

Then there was the fact that Danny's ghost sense hadn't gone off.

Danny tried his best to act like he hadn't seen him. Whatever the guy was, he hadn't tried to approach. Danny waited for the bell before springing up and practically running from the run.

"Danny?!" Tucker said running after him.

"What's wrong Danny?"

Danny looked at her.

"You really don't see it?" Danny asked.

"See what?" Sam asked.

Danny sighed.

"Nothing, see you around" Danny said before splitting off from his two friends.

He noticed the entity was following him so he went somewhere more secluded. Under the stairs.

Once he was sure nobody was around Danny faced his pursuer.

"Why are you following me?"

Jack looked surprised.

"I wasn't really given a choice" he grumbled to himself.

"Curiosity" he answered out loud.

Danny narrowed his eyes.

"What are you? Your not a ghost, where did you come from?"

Jack puffed out his skinny chest.

"I am a guardian, Jack Frost. I used to be a spirit of winter which I technically still am"

Danny set down his bag and pulled out a notebook.

"Spirits are different than ghosts" he murmured.

"I see you have quite the unique situation in this town" Jack said

Danny glared at him.

"Yeah, you could say that" Danny said

"To be honest I'm tether to you or something near you-" suddenly Danny's ghost sense went off.

"I have to go, talk later" Danny said as he blended into the crowd of screaming students.

Danny and the guardiansWhere stories live. Discover now