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"Brin! Brinna, he's so tall my whole life flashed before my eyes!" She laughs, holding her chest and falling back into her chair. "And we were so shitfaced we just kept going on the floor, I feel like I got into a car accident!" She swipes under her eyes to rid of the moisture.

I try to catch my breath but the image of the two of them flopping around has me laughing even harder. "You're fucking crazy," I shake my head, "His place or yours?" I ask, curious to know if her father knows about Niall. I'm sure he's aware of his daughter's adventures but they're usually all rich kids like her, not frat boys she dragged home from sketchy clubs.

"His. Daddy would have killed me if he heard the two of us." She blows a raspberry, "We got a noise complaint from his neighbor. He lives in a single house, B. They heard us across the street!"

"Did he see you when you came home?" I lean back in my own chair, arms crossed and biting my lip.

She nods with wide eyes. "Oh yeah, he sure did. He was leaving for work as I came home. God, you should have heard how mad he was when I came in drunk and limping! Diamond Grace, I raised you better, Diamond Grace, this is bad for business!" she mocks him, pointing her finger out and deepening her voice.

"You're right, this is very bad for business," Jillian's angry voice makes the two of us jump, straightening up to turn to her.

She's standing in front of my desk, hair slicked back into a bun and tight black dress visually expressing her pent-up hatred toward me lately. Her glasses hang low on her nose while a hand rests on her hip. In the other is a magazine, held out toward me.

I reach my hand out to take it, but she smacks it on my desk before I can. My eyes widen at the front page. Grace leans in to get a better look at it too, making a barely audible 'oooh' noise. My fingers ghost over the paper, subconsciously hoping I can wipe away the visuals.

Three photos from last night, blown up on the front page of our competitor's magazine. The largest one is a picture taken from a strange angle of the lounge, Lola is stretched along the couch while Zayn hugs her tail and pets it. Grace is leaning over a table, snorting what seems to be cocaine while Niall holds her hips on his lap. Louis is making out with a girl whose face is away from the camera, luckily.

A smaller picture in the middle of the right side is Harry sucking on my neck after Grace and I danced, my face full of drug-induced pleasure.

The last picture, in the bottom left corner, is of me and Grace on the dance floor, Grace's underwear in my fist as the two of us make out.

My heart sinks at the sight in front of me, like it's physically being ripped out of my body. My worst nightmare, printed on the front page of a snark editorial. It's clear in every photo that we're all on something, and now I get to live with the visual that I let my addiction take over and the rest of Vegas gets to see it, too. Tears brim my eyes as I look at Grace, who seems shocked only because she's usually told before she ends up in articles.

"Does anyone want to explain why pieces are being written about me?" Jill asks, making my eyes furrow on her. She flicks hers back down to the page.

Chief Editor Jillian Wood Recommends Best Place to Get a Fix, according to her employees.

My mouth drops even more, the realization setting in that I truly am no better than my parents and now there's proof of it. I let myself get too comfortable, and now my worth is tainted and set in stone from images none of us knew were being captured. A moment in time that shouldn't have happened, forever plastered right on the front cover.

"At least we look hot..." Grace whispers next to me.

"The two of you represent me! This is absolutely unacceptable! You've completely discredited my reputation and I expect you to apologize and fix this! I've worked so hard to build this company and two little whores won't be ruining this for me!" she yells, her voice booming through the entire room. My eyes stay down at the magazine, images slowly blurring from hot tears spilling from my eyes.

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