"Why are you laughing like a madwoman, Rosaline? Don't tell me you're still contemplating getting rid of Toshiko," Jade questioned, her expression puzzled.

"Not at all, I've abandoned that idea, I assure you," Rosaline replied, scratching her head and beginning to feel slightly flustered.

"You seem quite certain, Rosaline, but your demeanor suggests otherwise," Jade retorted with anger in her voice.

"I can't fathom why I'd lie to you. You know I never lie," Rosaline responded, her panic becoming more palpable.

"You're sure you can handle the consequences if you lie to me, Rosaline?" Jade inquired as she closed the distance between them, leaving mere centimeters between their faces.

Rosaline's face showed clear signs of panic, though she remained silent. Frustration was etched across her features.

"If I discover that what you told me is a lie, you'll be sleeping on the couch for three months," Jade declared before turning to leave, only for Rosaline to seize her wrist.

"Wait, Jade, I lied to you," Rosaline admitted, her expression apologetic.

Jade locked eyes with Rosaline, her anger evident as she gazed at her partner, who couldn't maintain eye contact and instead looked away, clearly apprehensive.

"So, you dared to lie to me, Rosaline. You're not afraid of death," Jade remarked sharply, delivering a blow to Rosaline's head.

Rosaline clutched her head where Jade had struck her, her eyes welling up slightly.

"You didn't have to hit me so hard, Jade, and in the end, I did tell you the truth, didn't I?" Rosaline retorted with a smile, attempting to soothe Jade.

"I don't care what you say. You'll be sleeping on the couch for the next six months," Jade asserted firmly.

"No, my wife, I'm truly sorry. I won't do it again. Six months is too much," Rosaline responded, taking Jade into her arms and adopting a somewhat childlike demeanor.

"Well, if you want me to reduce your punishment, tell me what you're up to, and hurry up!" Jade demanded, her cheeks slightly flushed in response to Rosaline's actions.

"I just asked Midori to check on Toshiko, so don't worry," Rosaline reassured, rubbing her head with a nervous laugh.

The skepticism on Jade's face was evident. "It all sounds fishy to me, Rosaline. Just to make sure everything's okay, I'm going to check on Toshiko, and if I see you've been lying to me, prepare yourself in advance for your punishment."

Before Rosaline could utter another word, Jade had already vanished, leaving a look of fear etched onto Rosaline's face. She hurriedly conjured her crystal ball to contact Midori. However, as soon as the crystal illuminated, instead of Midori's face, she was confronted with the stern visage of Jade, whose voice sent shivers down her spine.

"Rosaline, when it's all over, you're dead," Jade's angry voice resonated through the crystal.

Through the crystal, Rosaline could witness Midori kneeling before Jade, and beside her lay Toshiko, unconscious. This was the last scene she beheld before the crystal ceased glowing and ultimately shattered.

Returning to Evangeline's perspective

Evangeline swiftly comforted her teammates, assuring them that she was unharmed. Their relief was tangible, though curiosity lingered in Lily's eyes.

"What happened, Evangeline?" Lily inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Evangeline and Seiko exchanged a knowing glance, silently deciding what parts of the story to share and what to keep hidden, especially the events inside the illusion.

"Well, what are we waiting for? I'm fed up," Somi grumbled, his patience wearing thin.

Just as he voiced his frustration, the principal appeared, her expression a tumultuous mix of fear and anxiety, as if anticipating an imminent threat.

"Madam Principal, what's happened to you? Why are you so scared?" Evangeline inquired, her voice steady.

In an instant, the principal's fear transformed into fury.

"It's all because of you, if only—" she began, but her words were abruptly stifled when Jade emerged behind her, hand covering the principal's mouth.

"What are you saying now, Rosaline? How is it Evangeline's fault?" Jade's voice dripped with anger. Then, in a blink, both Jade and Rosaline vanished from sight, leaving behind Rosaline's screams, echoing painfully through the forest.

Evangeline sighed, a mix of concern and confusion etched on her face. "I don't think we know how long we're going to be here for," she mused, absentmindedly scratching her head. The uncertainty of their situation hung heavy in the air.

With a perplexed expression, Evangeline glanced at her remaining teammates. "Well, I guess we've upgraded from a survival exercise to a drama series," she quipped, attempting to inject humor into the situation.

Somi, ever the practical thinker, chimed in, "Maybe we're unwitting contestants on a cosmic reality show. 'Survivor: Forest of Illusions' anyone?"

Lily tried to lighten the mood with a smile. "I just hope the ratings are good. I mean, we're giving quite the performance here."

Seiko, still settled comfortably on Evangeline's head, yawned. "As long as they provide snacks, I'm fine being the star of this show."

And so, amidst the chaos and absurdity, they found a moment of laughter. In the heart of the bewildering forest, their camaraderie persevered, even in the face of the strangest of circumstances. Unbeknownst to them, this peculiar adventure was far from over, but for now, they shared a lighthearted moment, finding solace in each other's company before whatever unexpected twists fate had in store for them next.

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