OfC point of view: kayla

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Shakily I stand up from behind the counter I put what remains of the bread roll onto the counter. The man scrutinized my appearence. His brows furrowed and his initial angry expression changes to concern. Uncomfortable, I avert my gaze. I tug at my oversized and tattered shirt and fiddle with the hem of it. I must look like an awful sight. My legs shake and I have to support myself with one hand braced on the counter. So long without food has left my muscles weak.

"I'm sorry. Please I'm not a thief. I've gone four weeks without food. I wouldn't normally do something like this." I plead with him. Though I curse how weak and feeble my voice sounds.

A moment of tense silence passes.

"It's alright I can make you something to eat."

"You would do that for me?" I ask surprised.

"Of course no one should go hungry."

"I don't want to trouble you.'

"No trouble at all madam."

"I'll be ok with just this bread."

"Nonsense. No need to eat cold bread when I can put it in the oven for you."

He takes the bread from me and proceeds to slice it in half and he walks toward the oven and pulls out a baking tray. I watch him proceed to preheat the oven and put the bread on the tray. "How does tortellini sound?"

"Anything would be amazing."

As he makes the food my mind becomes all too aware of my appearance. From my worn and tattered clothes to my dirty hair.

He takes a seat across from me as the pasta is on the stove

"I don't normally look so horrid." I tell him.

He smiles charmingly. "You hardly look horrid. I can tell you are a rare beauty." He says. His voice like silk.

"Charming me will get you nowhere."

"Charming. Am I?" He says with a grin.

"Shut up. Now is not the time to flirt." I exclaim.

Before my face reddens from my hardly appropriate outburst. "Sorry." I say expecting him to get angry.

"Adorable. Though your right, now is not the time. I won't ask you about your situation. Zeff will more then likely interrogate you. The old geezer. "

"Zeff? Is he the owner of this restaurant?"

"Yes, he's the owner of this shitty establishment. Don't worry. Though he can be an old shitty bastard. He won't harm you. And he won't throw you out, I assure you."

"Ok." I say though I don't allow his words to bring me hope. More then likely I will be thrown out and left to fend for myself.

"What's your name?"


"Yours?" I ask in return.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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