Chapter 2

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"Let's worry about it later, Cayde. Obviously, it's not that big of a deal, or they would've said something by now." Jesse touches his arm as Cayde lays a hand over hers.

"True. So, for now, let's worry about you getting better."

Once Cayde talks to AJ for the okay, he takes Jesse to his quarters for her to rest. As they were passing the main hub for Guardians, Jesse felt the hair on the back of her neck raise. She turns around to see no one there. Her eyes dart around as she sees everyone gone for the day. Something felt off, and Jax was right there with her. His optic was looking all around as Cayde turned towards her. He always knew what she was thinking, and he looked around for a split second before grabbing a hold of her good arm, dragging her towards the Hangar quickly. He could hear small protests from the female Hunter before he pushed her towards a corner and pointed towards the ground as a 'stay here' gesture. The Exo goes back out to the main area to look around, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. Something had Jesse spooked, and he didn't really care for that fact. She was hard to spook even after all they've been through. He walks back over to her, only to have her not be there. Panic sets in for a moment before he sees a dagger come towards him. Cayde grabs the arm as he looks towards Jesse. Her eyes were wide, the trauma from today showing in her eyes.

"Easy, Jesse. Nothing can hurt you here. You're safe." Cayde's hold becomes softer as he pulls her towards him. His glowing blue eyes watch her as she relaxes slightly. "Let's get you somewhere private."

The male Hunter feels her follow him closely before he stops before a door, unlocking it and gently pushing her in. He barely ever used his 'room', and no one ever came to visit him here. He leads her over to the couch and sits her down. Cayde could tell she was still tense from earlier, and he sighed. He sits beside her, turns her face towards him, and gently presses his nose against her forehead. The Exo feels her lean into him as Jesse relaxes. He's only had to do this once, and that seemed so long ago when they had lost a dear friend. It's been a long road for both of them, especially for Jesse. She had figured out she was similar to the Guardian, who has come to be known as a good friend to her. Jesse was the only one to know his name. Cayde pulls away enough to look down at her as she looks up at him. He gives her his best smile.

"Better? Cause I'm runnin' out of options here, sweetheart." Cayde feels his eyes soften as she chuckles.

"Thank you, Cayde. Always coming to my rescue." Jesse looks at him as he smirks.

"Does that mean I'm your knight in shinin' armor? I mean, I am an Exo, my body is armor already..." He feels his circuits pump with more power as she laughs.

"Down, boy, down. Don't get ahead of yourself. You never know, the Guardian could've filled that spot." Jesse smirks right back at him as Cayde gives her a flabbergasted look and puts a hand on his chest.

"I'm wounded, Jess. Does that mean I have to duel the Guardian for your heart?"

"I swear to the Traveler if you ever think of doing that, Imma hurt you."

Both Hunters laugh as Cayde feels himself falling more in love with Jesse, but he could never say it out loud. He was an Exo. It could never happen. She was a human. It was physically impossible for them to do more than holding hands and all the normal couple things. Fingers snap in front of his face as he looks at Jesse again, who is wearing a worried look. Her blue eyes bounced between his before he touched her cheek.

"I'm alright, Jess. I just spaced out for a second." Cayde gets up from the couch and helps her lie down as she looks at him with slight panic. "Easy, sweetheart. You're safe here. I will be here when you wake up. I'm not going anywhere without you."

Jesse finally relaxes as Cayde sits down on the floor in front of the couch. He watches as she falls asleep easily before he opens up his journal. The Exo puts in another entry to Ace as he feels himself sigh. He wanted nothing more than to be more for Jesse, but again, he was an Exo, a machine. Ever since he had laid eyes on her, he felt his mechanical heartbeat speed up. She was absolutely gorgeous, and all the Guardians saw it as well when she started spending time at the Tower more often when Cayde had convinced her to be open about who she was. Cayde looks away from her as he gets more comfortable and falls asleep himself himself.

The next morning, Jesse wakes up and stretches, not feeling the stinging pain in her shoulder anymore. The bandages were long gone, and so was Cayde. She sits up quickly. A hand sets itself on her shoulder. She grabs it and tosses the person over her shoulder, making them land on their back. Jesse gasps as she sees Cayde cough as he lays flat on his back. She gets up and kneels beside him with an apologetic look on her face.

"I deserved that." Cayde looks up at her as he holds a hand up. "I should've said your name."

"I am so sorry, Cayde. Let me---"

"I never imagined I would see the day that Cayde would be on his back with a woman above him." Ikora wears a smirk as she stands in the doorway with Zavala behind her. Cayde looks towards her with narrowed eyes.

"Ha, ha. Laugh it up. I'm just glad she didn't throw a grenade, too." Cayde sits up as Jesse rubs the back of her neck.

"I thought about it." Jesse laughs as Cayde looks at her with wide eyes.

"Again, you wound me, Jesse. I'm gonna have to keep a tally of how many times you do. Bless the Traveler that I never piss you off to the point ya do." Cayde stands as he helps Jesse onto her feet. Zavala steps in front and looks between the two.

"All jokes aside. We have a problem."

The Black Rogue (Cayde-6 x OC!Jesse Cascade)Where stories live. Discover now