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 The next day Saerenya prepared to leave for Kings landing with her 6 children. "Are you sure you and Rickon donʻt want to come, you are my husband and he is my son." Saerenya said to her husband. "Donʻt worry my love we have to run winterfell while its lady and heirs are gone" Cregan said caressing her face. "Alright, tell your father and brother bye" Saerenya said, turning to her kids. They all said goodbye to their father one by one, when Lucian reached Cregan he held Lucian and said "Look after your mother you will answer to me if something happens to her." Cregan said in Lucians ear. "Yes my lord" Lucian replied. Saerenya loaded her daughters into the carriage, before she entered the carriage herself Cregan stopped her. "Wait my lady, you are missing something." Cregan said as he whistled. The queen watched as all her children's direwolves appeared. "My lord, I am not taking 6 wolves the size of horses to Kings land" Saerenya protested. "7 because you're taking mine as well." Cregan stated. "No and that's final." Saerenya said. "Either you take the wolves or half my army." Cregan said simply. Saerenya reluctantly called the wolves to her side and let Cregan's wolf Aztec in the carriage. "Be safe my love" Cregan said, embracing her. "I always am," Saerenya said, kissing her husband tenderly.

Within a month Princess Saerenya arrived in King's landing. When they got to the castle the Starks were greeted by sir Criston Cole. "Princess Saerenya it is an honor to have you and your family here at the red keep." He said, stepping to the princess. Lucian was quick to place himself in front of his mother. "It's alright son, Take me to my father." Saerenya commanded. Before Sir Criston could answer, the Queen appeared with her two sons. "Princess Saerenya, what a pleasure it is to have you home." The queen said. "I hope you donʻt mind but I brought extra company my queen." Saerenya said, as the 7 direwolves appeared from behind the carriage. "Not at all but they'll have to stay outside." Alicent replied. "They mean no harm and I'm sure my father wonʻt have a problem with it." Saerenya challenged. She started to walk up the castle steps with her children and wolves following closely behind her.

"My mother was clear the mutts stay outside" One of the King's sons with long hair said. "You will not speak to my mother that way," Vhaenys said from behind. "Or what?" The boy said. "I'll cut your tongue out." Vhaenys threatened. "Vhaenys," Lucien warned. Saerenya held a hand up to Vhaenys. "You must be one of the sons my father had, tell me what is your name so I can tell my sister which of the Kings sons to behead first upon her crowning." Saerenya said. "That's enough Sir Cirston will show you and your children to your chambers, I suppose your wolves may enter the castle." Alicent intervened. "I want to see him" Saerenya said. "You'll have to wait till the presentation of your children." Alicent said, turning her back to the Starks. Ser Criston led them through the red keep. "Vhaenys you'll learn to hold your tongue, you are a woman your words hold no value here." Saerenya said, as they walked through the castle. "But mother" Vhaenys started. "If you have something to say it will be expressed through me or Lucian, understood?" Saerenya cut off. "Yes my lady." Vhaenys answered, as she put her head down. "That goes for all of you except Lucian." Saerenya said.

Once the Starks settled into their chambers, it was time for the presentation of Lady Saerenyas children. She entered the iron throne room with Aztec on her left and Lucian on her right, all her other children behind them. Her sister Rhaenyra was cut off upon the entrance of her twin sister. Rhaenyra turned to see who entered and was shocked to see her sister. There were whispers all over the room as Saerenya walked to her sister. "My big sister, how iʻve missed you." Saerenya said as she embraced Rhaenyra. "As have I, your children are beautiful." Rhaenyra said with a smile. "Thank you, are these your sons?" Saerenya asked. "They are my sons Jacearys and Lucerys" She answered. "They look just like you" Saerenya replied. The door opened again this time to reveal the king himself. Saerenya moved aside with her children and twin. When the king finally sat he looked up with a smile seeing his twins reunited. "My daughters, what a pleasure it is to see you both in the same room again." King Viserys started. "Please let us begin with the presentation of the children of Princess Saerenya and Lord Cregan Stark." The king continued. Saerenya stepped forward with aztec, "Thank you my king, I present to the court my first-born son Lucian Stark first of his name" Saerenya said as her hand guided Lucian in front of her. "I present to the court my first-born daughter Alysanne Stark, second of her name." She said as she also guided Alysanne beside her brother. "I see that one got the mutt's genes"Aemond lowly snickered to his brother. "I present to the court my second-born daughter Saelys Stark first of her name." Saerenya continued as she guided Saelys next to her sister. "I present to the court my second-born and youngest son Luceador Stark first of his name" She said, leading Luceador next to Saelys. "I present to the court my third-born daughter Vhaenys Stark first of her name." She said putting Vhaenys next to Luceador. "And finally I present to the court my last child and fourth-born daughter Vysera Stark, first of her name" Saerenya finished.

"My daughter, your children are as beautiful as you" Viserys smiled at his daughter. "Thank you my lord" Saerenya smiled back as she led her kids back to the side. "I'm sorry your grace but if we could shift this meeting back to naming the lord of driftmark." Rhaenyra said. "I do not understand why there are petitions being heard over a settled secession. The only one present who can give keener insight into Lord Corlys wishes is the Princess Rhaenys." King Viserys says. Princess Rhaenys steps forward, " It was ever my husband's will that Driftmark pass through ser Leanor to his trueborn son Lucerys Velaryon. His mind never changed nor did my support of him." Princess Rhaenys said before she stepped back. King Viserys named Lucerys Lord of driftmark and in doing so fueled a rage in ser Vaemond Velaryon. He protested "That is no true Velaryon, and certainly no nephew of mine" Ser Vaemond raised his voice and pointed to Lucerys. Aztec started to growl and stepped in front of Saerenya. "Go to your chambers, you've said enough." Rhaenyra said protectively blocking her sons. "I will not see my house end on the account of this" He stopped "Say it" Daemon taunted. "Her children are bastards and she is a whore." Ser Vaemond finished. "I'll have your tongue" King Viserys said standing up. Not long after Daemon beheaded Ser Vaemond. "He can keep his tongue" Daemon said, wiping his sword.

King Viserys started to stumble and Alicent rushed to his side screaming to get the maesters. The princessʻs Rhaenyra and Saerenya both rushed to their father as he was taken by the maesters. "If you all will meet me in the meeting room." Saerenya said to her sister, the queen, and the king's hand. "Jace, Luke why donʻt you show your cousins around Kings landing" Rhaenyra said walking off with her sister. "Lucian watch your siblings" Saerenya said. The four gathered in the meeting room and Saerenya started the meeting. "I've asked you all to meet because I have a proposal and seeing as our father is not well right now the queen and the king's hand will suffice."What is this proposal you speak of princess?" Otto questioned. "A proposal to strengthen our houses by betrothing our children" The princess spoke. "I see no reason for this to happen." Otto spoke again. "Let my sister speak," Rhaenyra spoke up. "Yes well that's the beauty of things only the king can decline the betrothal." Saerenya spoke as she pet Aztecs head. "I propose we wed my daughter to your sons." Saerenya explained. "I believe that's a wonderful idea." Rhaenyra said. "My queen we wed my Daughters Vhaenys and Alysanne to your sons Aegon and Aemond" Saerenya spoke again. "The sons whom you threatened to behead" Alicent spoke. "You sons will be spared if they wed my daughters." Saerenya explained. "She is not wrong, however your sons would have to move North." Otto spoke up again.

"Of course we can work out the details later though," Saerenya added. "I also propose we wed my sons to your daughters" she continued. "Again your daughters would have to move North." Otto said. "As for you my dear sister I say we wed my daughter Vysera to your son Jacaerys." Saerenya finished. Suddenly Aztec stood up and started to growl at the door. Kings Viserys revealed at the door again. Alicent went to his side helping him take a seat. "That's one thing I loved about you Saerenya, you were always a smart girl." Viserys said. "It's decided our children will marry" the king declared. When the meeting came to an end Otto spoke to Saerenya, "You weren't supposed to survive the North I thought youʻd go mad up there." Otto said. "Well that's where you're wrong, you threw me to the wolves and I came back leading the pack." Saerenya said exiting the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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