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Hi! OK, so I've realised that I boost myself to write a new chapter only after looking at the readers' response to my work (the number of views and votes) I get a lot of reads but not a lot of votes per chapter. I'm honestly really happy that you guys give my book a chance and read each chapter, but seeing practically no votes there next to the chapters just dwindles my hope. So I guess I'm just asking for you to vote for the chapters more to show me that you're at least interested. I'm still working on the chapters but I'm gonna be slow mostly cause of writer's block and the fact that whenever I look at my progress, there's barely anything.

I appreciate you guys a lot and want to do for u what stories have always done for us book lovers; create a space u can escape to for a breath of fresh air. So please support me just a little more.

Love, D/W

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