Chapter 15

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Soon exams passed. She felt the memory of the jacket leaving her head as it remained in her trunk. I was now approaching the end of the school year. It was now early June and she was completing homework with Sebastain.

"I love Mcgonagall" Sebastain said, "like, she is like the ultimate girlboss but I am just one simple Ravenclaw. I come from the disregarded house how in the world am I supposed to write this!"

"It's transfiguration. If it was easy I would have already finished and I haven't so it's not easy."

An owl then abruptly entered the dorm. It was snow white and had a piece of parchment in its beak. It opened its beak and the note fell onto Delilah's parchment.

"Ooo what's it say?"

Delilah, meet us down by the common room an hour past curfew tonight. We think tonight is when Snape is going to steal the stone.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione

"Hey Sebastian, would you mind distracting Florence. I need to meet Harry and his group after curfew and she would never just let me leave. She's a rule follower worse than Hermione."

"Sure but I expected to be paid at least two galleons"

"Fine deal."

Later that night Sebastian had arranged some distraction, something with pies. Delilah didn't stick around long enough to figure out what it was.

"Harry." Delilah said as she arrived in front of the common room.

"Delilah." said Harry as he hugged her lightly, him just standing about an inch taller than her. As she hugged him she caught a glimpse of inside the common room.

"What did you guys do to Neville?"

"He tried to stop us from coming to find the stone so I cast a full body bind curse on him," said Hermione.

"You know you're really scary sometimes. Impressive but scary." Ron said.

"Still she continues to impress me."

Under the invisibility cloak they reached the door to the third floor common room.

"Delilah, could you stand guard here and stand watch?" said Harry.

"Wait, why do you guys get to go in and I have to stand guard?"

"Because we have to have someone stand guard." said Harry, "If we are not back in three hours go get Mcgonagall or Dumbledore." Delilah nodded in response. She was well aware that Harry, Ron, and Hermione didn't need someone to keep guard. He just didn't want to offend her by not inviting her to come. He didn't want her to get hurt. She knows because she felt the same.

"Three hours." 

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