Chapter 39 | ambrosia

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Watching Psyche pour the syrup of extracted ambrosia from the pitcher into three chalices, you couldn't help but be anxious. This was it, this was what you, L and the successors had agreed upon. To immortalise them now before the situation got so dangerous they used up their one and only death defiance and ended up hurt or worse. It'd been a while since the trio had been up in the highlands, but they were always a welcome set of guests.

Many of the kami had gathered for this, as it was the first time something like this was being attempted. Not to mention many of them were great friends with you and in turn your now adult children. This was a big moment. Psyche was the one performing the ritual, as she was goddess of the soul and had the powers to do something as wild as this. But surrounding the three who sat upon the claw footed sofa in the main medical room used by the medical gods, were many familiar faces. Aphrodite, Hypnos and little Morpheus in his arms, Thanatos and Eros. Even some of the other pantheons had dropped by after hearing what was going on.

"Alright, that should be enough for each of you.  You're definitely going to feel weakened, probably quite sick, once this is over I'd recommend staying up here and out of any stress and physical activity for a week or so. We'll all keep an eye on you to make sure you're ok" Psyche said.

The trio were admittedly a bit nervous, but also exited. This would be the moment they ensured their lives together as a family to last forever, things would never be the same in the best possible way. Also it was quite amusing to them and L that they were getting what Light had tried so hard for. Power, immortality. They may now be fully gods per se, but damn close to it.

"You three do your parents a favour rest up ok? Can't have them stressing out over your condition" Aphrodite added, giving each of their cheeks a loving pinch.

"We'll be fine... hopefully" Mello replied.

"It'll be cool, we'll be careful the next few weeks" Matt added.

You and L watched eagerly, both nervous for their well-being and exited to see them flourish in a new form of life.

"You won't have to use aliases anymore, no one can kill you with a death note after this" L said.

"Oh yeah... I'm not used to being real named, it only happens when something is serious" Mello said.

"You'll have to get used to it Mihael Keehl" Near teased.

"So will you Na- wait are you keeping your name? Or are you Near for good now?"

"Near. Nate is... too gendered"

Fair enough, you all called them Near anyway from years of alias use so it definitely wouldn't be a hard transition. Nate is a typically masculine name, while Near was very androgynous.

"Well Near River you're the odd one out then, you won't have to get used to a different name" Matt said, giving them an arm nudge.

"Get used to Mail Jeevas form now on" Near replied.

Handing them each a chalice of pure ambrosia syrup, Psyche had them all sit up straight and relax. She moved behind them, placing a hand in the shoulders of the boys either side of Near and had them all lean in together so the guys rested their heads on Nears shoulders.

"Alright, are you three ready? Last chance to back out" she asked.

The three exchanged looks of solidarity and nodded in confirmation.

"This will definitely feel odd, likely painful. This spell harms your soul as I drain it of it's human essence, you'll all be ok as long as you stay sill and relaxed... let's begin"

L took your hand, giving it a squeeze as you both watched on. Psyche's hands began to glow, and an almost blue tinge began to show under the skin of your three children along the lines of their veins. They immediately looked uncomfortable, but they endured it. Psyche kept her eyes closed, head down and and mind completely focused on the task at hand. The glow flowed from out of the trio, through her hands and into her. Being goddess of the soul, a soul was something she could contain within herself almost like she was a vampire sucking blood. It was extra power to her, the human essence of one's soul when entering herself would convert into pure power contained within her godly soul.

Noticing his anxiousness, fellow father Hypnos put a reassuring hand on L's shoulder.

"They'll be ok" he smiled.

"I know... I know..." L replied.

You gave his hand a squeeze and flashed him a smile, he was really such a softie at heart. So worried for those he loved all the time. But you understood his nerves this time more than ever, this procedure was experimental at best. Some side effects may occur you had no way of knowing about, it was a risk the trio were willing to take.

The trio held each other tight, aching and hazy but enduring it. They began to feel weakened, leaning against each other for support. And when the glowing through their veins stopped, Psyche lifted her hands and opened her eyes.

"The first step is done... how do you feel?" She asked.

"Sore... tired" Near muttered.

"Dizzy" Mello replied.

"Weak, like the kind of weak when you get sick" Matt described.

"It worked then, all that left is to well... drink"

The three looked down at their ambrosia, pure ambrosia. Crushed and mixed into a syrup straight from the fresh leaves of an ambrosia tree. How would pure ambrosia taste? They had no idea. Neither did you or L. You'd always had it diluted in teas or alcohol. Pure ambrosia? That was a taste and power no one had tried before because they knew it would be so strong it could cause some major magical side effects on a non-weakened body and soul.

Mello was the first to drink, opting to just scull the whole thing and get it over with. He poured it down his throat, cringing at the strong taste.

"Ughahaaa- that's strong, so strong-" he complained.

"What's it taste like?" Matt asked.

"I... have no idea. I can't think of anything to compare it to, it has its own taste"

After a moment of the liquid settling into his body, he felt his hand tingle and looked down to find his fingertips glowing golden just like the ambrosia he'd had.

"Woah..." he muttered.

"That's definitely a good sign, I have no doubt the rest of the day will be filled with strange glowing and odd sensations" Psyche replied.

Matt and Near decided to down it together, now knowing what to expect from Mello. Matt took it like a champ, having chugged much worse tasting energy drinks before. Still, cringed a little at the taste. Near however, almost choked on the stuff from how strong it was, but managed to get it down and keep it there.

"Oh that's... a lot" they muttered.

"Way nicer in tea" Matt agreed.

Feeling the tingly effects, the trio looked down at their hands and arms where the reaction seemed to be starting. The occasional glow would run through their veins and already they felt... different. There was just something about them that felt odd, but not in a bad way.

"That's it. Now we wait. Tell us any strange feelings or effects you notice ok?" Psyche said.

You and L sat beside your children, doing the worried parent tactic of looking them over for anything suspicious. But they seemed to be alright, just weakened until the effects fully took place.

"You guys feel alright?" You asked.

"Yeah... different. But not bad" Matt said.

"Agreed" Near replied.

L sighed in relief, bringing the three in for a hug. A smile broke on his lips, finally his worries about loosing his kids could leave his mind forever, they'd be together as long as the universe existed.

"Welcome to immortality guys, we'll take care of you..."

Gods and Monsters [Sequel to Ethereal] L x Reader • Death Note  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now