Ayanokoji x family (reaction)

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girls who like ayanokoji looks down in dissapointment

Kiyotaka languidly searched for the source of light that was obviously directed towards him. By the intensity of the light, he was able to conclude that it was a flashlight beam furthermore it was switched on and off in a repeated pattern.

To an untrained eye, this would seem normal however Kiyotaka immediately realized it was a morse code and translated it.

'ARGOS-4 get up'

kanzaki: you know more codes?

ayanokoji: who knows?

ryuen: kukuku

arisu: fufufuf

kamuro thoughts: what's with her creepy laugh

many students: what is argos-4?

hondou: it is like he is some kind of agent or something

shinohara: like he ever could

ichika/yagami/arisu thoughts: he could

the sleepy man immediately jolted up just like how he did when a certain friend of his took a compass and..... let's not get into that.

With rapt attention, he looked over at the clock which read 2:00 am.

'i guess its about time'

everyone: that late? aboout time for what?

ryuen: what is that monster upto?

ayanokoji: what is that and time for what?

He slowly got out of his bed to make sure his wife wouldn't wake up. that's the last thing he wanted to see.

Slowly he made his way out of his room and looked over to the person who called him out. A tiny figure hooded under a blanket slowly looked up to him revealing the face of a cute nine-year-old girl with dazzling brown eyes and blonde hair.

 A tiny figure hooded under a blanket slowly looked up to him revealing the face of a cute nine-year-old girl with dazzling brown eyes and blonde hair

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haruka: aww she is so cute

everyone agree

kei: who is she

ayanokoji: could she be my daughter?

ryuen: kukuku


kamuro thoughts: she is creeping me out

ibuki: shut up

"Papa you slob! how can you forget about the mission" yelled the small girl pouting?

kei/sato/haruka/suzune/ichinose/airi: papa?

ryuen: so she is monster's daughter?

arisu: fufufufu

ANHS reacts to AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora