SIMP. (Chap.1)

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(Authors Notes: Yuichiro is basically my self insert LMAO. Btw this is prolly gonna be extremely ooc especially Yuu. This fic is set in modern time. They're 20 yrs old btw, not to sexualise tho. It's just easier to write abt adults sometimes)

"He's just so fine, I don't understand how someone could dislike him?" Yuu said. Shinoa just rolled her eyes.

"Merch is so expensive. Why can't I just have all of his merch. I CANT STAND NOT OWNING ALL OF HIS STUFF." He basically yelled.

"Yeah maybe if you got a better job and saved you could indulge in your stupidly long obsessed" she jokingly mocked. It was Yuu's turn to roll his eyes.

'No but seriously you don't even have a set place to live. You really need to do something about that. Maybe go online and find a house to share, less money for that. Also I'm giving you one week to decide a new place to stay. I can't have u living with me unless we're married haha!" She stated. Yuu just sat there. He wanted a place to live of course, but sharing with some stranger isn't exactly his picture perfect future. Not that Yuu really had any idea of anything he wanted to do with his future, it's almost like hasn't hit him yet that he is an adult now.

'Enough of this serious talk. Back to Kou! He's literally gorgeous. If I could have the privilege to meet someone who looked like that I'd marry them on the spot." Yuu ranted.

'Heh as if, you wouldn't even be able to speak to them!' She giggled.

Once Yuichiro had gotten home, he forced himself to get online and find people who are willing to share a home. He scrolled through different offers, unconvinced that he'd find a decent price. Surprisingly enough, he found some guy who was willing to split rent and share his house. Yuichiro didn't exactly want to live with someone else. He liked his privacy. A thought crossed his mind,

'What would I do with all this Kou merch? I'm definitely not selling any of it!' He exclaimed to himself. He pushed these thoughts away for now, promising that he'd figure that stuff out later. Yuu reached out to the guy and said he wanted to look into the offer.

'Hm? Mikaela Tepes huh.. hope he isn't a dick" he thought. Almost immediately he received a response from this 'Mikaela'

M- Hello, yes this offer is still available. Would you like to catch up somewhere tomorrow to talk about it?

Yuu wrote a response right away.

Y- Great, and yeah we could meet tomorrow. Where do you reckon?

M- wanna meet just at that cafe right beside this house, at like 10? Assuming you live near by?

Y- sure, sounds great. I'll see you tomorrow.

Yuu shut his phone, collapsed onto the bed and stared at his ceiling.

'This guy better be alright, I don't wanna live with some jerk.' Yuu complained. Thoughts of living with some stranger wouldn't leave his head, it wasn't an ideal situation for him. All Yuu really wanted to do is stay in Shinoa's attic forever and rewatch ever episode with Kou in it, as if he hasn't recognised every scene of him. His obsessed was getting a bit bad to be honest, but he couldn't tell. He felt like it didn't affect him, instead his obsessed makes him feel happy for a small amount of time, before having to return to the real world.

'I can legit hear Shinoa calling me a weeb in my head. Im so weird' He complained to himself. Yuu felt his eyes start to get heavy. He was still in his normal clothes, but he was in no way bothered to change. His eyes shut and he drifted off to sleep.





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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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