Intro? Warnings and Everything ig

419 18 16

First of all, WOW! I've come a long way from hating fanfictions to now "trying" to write one...
Please leave comments to tell me what you think of it?

This is MY work and my original idea eventhough I did find a wonderful (way better than this shit obviously) fic on AO3 which did have something similar to what I had ALREADY planned for this book, so I'm simply gonna steer it off in another direction than the one I'd initially planned. But the point is, that I have not stolen anyone else's work or idea. And I hope no one steals mine either (you can simpLee ask for ideas and I'll give you free ones!)

SecondLee, I do not have a real description for this story yet, so I'll just let the 1st part (not necessarily the first chapter), act as the description.

I might decide to continue this story if/ whenever I get time, but I have no idea WHEN that 'whenever' might arrive. You're free to give the story a try if you still wanna do it!


Always, Yours.|| HyunhoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin