"Which almost happened once when she was seven." Trevon agreed. The girl's lacking sense of humor didn't allow her to say her intended good-byes. Through a heavy sigh she turned a left them standing, now completely alone.

"I'm going to miss how quickly you can clear a room."

Ari shrugged, "It's gift."

Trevon put his arm around his sister and the two walked to the opposite corridor behind the C.E. Replica Cafe.

Now with much quieter surroundings, Ari found it more comfortable to talk as they paced through the corridor.

"317 minutes until departure. Are you packed yet?" She noted his empty hands and knowing he had about as much sentimental attachment to his material objects as she did her own, didn't find the absence of materials all the peculiar.

Trevon's knuckles whitened as he pulled his arm from her shoulders and tucked his hands into his jacket pockets. "I put in a bid for a transfer." Ari's feet stopped and she felt the objection rise quickly to her face. With his hands up in defense he didn't give her a chance to let it out, yet. "I know what you're thinking but an On-Planet University has a lot to offer me."

"But that's not why you bid for it!" She snapped.

"True, I did it because I could take guardianship over you and take you with me."

"I am not going to be the reason you pass on the Academy. How could you not go to the Academy?! Withdraw the bid! NOW!"

"I can't. The results come back today." He admitted. His face flushing with the fact this had been a secret he'd managed to keep for several days. "Facts, I am not military driven like you are, and if they do let you come with me then you will get your own shot at the Academy in three years." He rubbed the place behind his ear, which meant he wanted most for her to understand. "Though, it'll be hard to transfer you to another school with your discipline records but we will find a way."

"No!" The word came out with more anger than she had intended, but who could blame her. He was prepared to give up a once in a lifetime opportunity, more than that, it was her dream opportunity. He might as well be spitting in her face. "You are going to the Academy now, and I will be there soon. You just have to lay down some cover for me, get them ready for all the amazing skills I'm bringing with me."

"Ari," He pressed his lips together, "The Regatta Sector it's..."

"I know. It's far out on the outer rims, and for some reason EVERYone wants to remind me of that today. But I won't be stuck out there..." Taking a deep breath Ari steadied her nerves, "I am going to be fine. If you're going to walk away from the Academy make it because of you. You do it for me and I'll be sure you regret it. Plus Uncle Clint's my guardian, he'll help me."

His sharp green eyes connected with hers. "GENERAL Bishop," he corrected her. "And he has more vital duties to attend too than cleaning up your messes."

"I know, I know." She restarted her walk down the hallway, facing him while walking backwards, "I'll be extra good and make sure not to cause any problems for Uncle ... General Bishop. So stop worrying."

Trevon's speed increased until he fell into step beside her. By this point the corridor had emptied and it was just the two of them, surrounded by metal walls.

"Okay. You have four years. I'm sure you'll figure something out." He playfully bumped her arm. The sudden movement took her muscles by surprise. Her wrist tensed, which sent more stabbing pain across it. Unable to control it, Ari winced, eyes tearing up obvious enough for her bother to take notice.

Trevon grabbed her good arm and pulled her to a dead stop in the center of the corridor. "What's this?"

"Just my wrist," She said attempting to turn away from him, but he wouldn't allow her to brush it off. He flicked her in the forehead to distract her before he pulled her shoulders so she had no choice but to face him.

A blue and purple patch had already begun to form around the back bony part of her hand. Gently Trevon wrapped his fingers around it, covering it completely.

"You can't do that here!" She protested. She traced the ceiling lines, spotting the corridor security camera and quickly put her back to it. Shielding her brother from being recorded.

"It won't take much." Trevon said. He withdrew his hand and an icy green glow encircling it like a halo. "I can't fix it if you don't let me," he reminded her. "Unless you want Headmistress Hobsen to do first aid instead."

Ari grimaced. She enjoyed seeing the Headmistress as much as she enjoyed the pain in her wrist. Taking a deep breath she entrusted the injury to Trevon.

Trevon continued his healing procedure, that green glow now enveloping Ari's wrist. She twisted her lip, trying to ignore the sharp jabs as his ability attempted to ease the sprained muscles.

The discovery of his healing gift had been an unexpected blessing four years earlier; not having to go to the nurse's station every time she clashed with another kid, saved Ari from adding more incidents to her not so polished record. But seeing as this ability wasn't normal...

Ari glanced frantically down both sides of the corridor making sure they remained unseen.

"Who was it this time?" Trevon asked suddenly, the question clearly bothering him.

"A transport unit," She shrugged at his glare, "Honestly. It caught me by surprise."

"Oh Ariana," He teased, calling her by her full name. "My graceful little sister."

The moment he pulled his hand away the remaining green soaked into her skin. She rotated her hand while opening and closing her fist. Ari noted the bruising remained, though the pain was completely gone. Her brothers eyes watched her carefully waiting for any clues the process had failed.

She returned to him a smile of approval and criticism, "That was stupid of you to do out in open."

Trevon shrugged, "might be my last time using it." He looked down at his own hand in amazement. "Not likely they'll approve of such a strange ability at the Academy."

"Yeah, don't risk it. They might ban me if they find out my brother has alien powers."

He flicked her in the forehead again.

"ARIANA KANA!!!!" The Headmistress' voice echoed from the orphanage entrance down the hall, its tone suggesting heavy disapproval.

Both smiles dropped off the siblings faces, "You said it wasn't a fight," Trevon jumped to the logical conclusion. He grabbed Ari by her newly healed hand to keep her from fleeing.

"I swear!"

"Then why is she cross -" His shoulders dropped and his expression darkened, "You were an hour late meeting me ... Did you skip testing today?!"

"My only brother is leaving in less than six hours." She tried for sympathy but Trevon shook his head as the sound of heavy boots drew closer.

"She'll make me take the test after hours and then I really won't get to say goodbye. Trev!" She pulled at his iron grip, his eyes working over her face as he processed this information.

He clinched his teeth, "Fine. Hide in my dorm, but don't let my roommates catch you."

"They never do."

He let go of her arm and she ran the opposite direction, "and stay off my personal!"

"I didn't hear that ..." 


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