Brat Alicia Plutonium

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- Brat is ... a brat. She is sassy, flirtatious, pessimistic, and whiny when things don't go her way. She is a master at reinventing herself, using her charisma to switch personalities for different people to get what she wants. She uses her looks and charm to suit the needs of others it's almost scary.

- Loves to party and have fun, easily gets jealous and sad, though hides both by acting like a bitch. Absolutely loves drama and will cause some when bored. Piss her off and she is out to ruin your life through the most passive-aggressive means - is the literal definition of cute but psycho (picture Mean Girls).

- Brat loves attention. It's more than loves it, really, she needs it. Brat is a very insecure person thanks to the Opressor, and she needs to feel validated, to have the pleasure of knowing that she is the one that people want. Has severe body issues and bulimia. Berserk and Brute have helped her through it, but sometimes she relapses.

- Wants to be a fashion designer, a model, and to own a makeup empire (Kylie Jenner 2.0-). The only one she confides her dreams to are her sisters, and they support her fully. For her birthday, they robbed a fashion store and gave Brat all the essentials to learn how to design. Brute smirked when she saw her get emotional and Brat told her to shut the fuck up.

- Is an absolute brat to her sisters, but that's just how she shows love. Will whine and annoy the hell out of her older sisters when Berserk is planning or when Brute is doing her own thing until they acknowledge her. When they do she usually acts all innocent, pretending she didn't do anything as she breaks out "The Bubbles' Eyes" - essentially puppy dog eyes, but named after Bubbles.

- As the fashionista of the group, Brat leaves new clothes she made in her sisters' closets'. When confronted she claims that "she refuses to be associated with people who dress like *explict insults*". Berserk and Brute don't really care for her excuses because hey! Free clothes! Brat is pleased when they wear clothes she made.

- Brat wasn't born to be good. She knows that, and doesn't want to be. But at some point in her life she grews sick of the senseless destruction and wants to do her own thing, pursue her own dreams. But there's this - block. This thing, this instinct to do bad things. She was literally made to be evil, and Brat is scared she won't be able to do what she wants for what the Opressor made her to do.

-Brat has wavy golden hair a couple inches past her shoulders, which she sometimes puts in braids. Hoop earrings and bangles are a must, and she has a belly piercing which she shows off in her cropped shirts. Steals her sisters' fishnets and thigh-highs. Leather miniskirts are her go-to and she wears heels to make her 5'7 frame taller.

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