09-the perfect strom

Start from the beginning

"You two would make a cute couple" Hannah tells me.

"Hannah, I have told Noel, I don't date" I smile at her.

"But why not, you never date" She whinces.

"It's just who I am" I joke.

"But don't you want something real? Someone you can scratch and sniff?" She asked me.

"I'm not sure what you want to say by that" I laugh.

"Wow, maybe you should just eat that over the garbage" Spencer said.

"I'm sorry but not all of us have smoking-hot boys from the country club"

"What is going on with you and ALex? Is he back from that tournament?" Aria asked.

"Yeah, he's back"

"Serious, just that. You are not giving us anything else?" I ask annoyed.

"It's good, so good" Spencer starts." I want it to last but I'm afraid I'm gonna blow it"

"So when can we officially callhim the boyfriend?" Aria asked.

"Hey Mrs. Hastings" I say greeting the older woman.

"Hi girls. Oh it smells so good" The older woman comments

"Garlic bread. Want some?" Spencer offered.

"I can't. God, I miss food . Eat some butter for me, will you?" Mrs. Hastings jokes.

"Hey, maybe you should Alex to-" Hannah started but Spencer cuted her off.

"Stop, not know"

"Your mom still doesn't know?" Aria asked.

"Like I said I want it to last" Spencer admited.

"Where's Emily?"Mrs.Hastings wonders.

"She's probably on her way" I replied. For the rest of the night we continued studying, well, me, Spencer and Ariaa did, Hannah just continued sying random stuff.


Rainy days and me don't get along. Honestly any other season besides summer and I don't go along. Wether it's autum or winter, the weather is the same, rainy, cold, dark, I hate it.  Summer on the other hand it's perfect, you can wear beautifull dresses and you look tanned, your body is free of big ugly colthes and you feel alive. The sun is always shiny, and everyone is happier.

It's like all the bad things in life happen at the same time, SAT's on rainy days, bad hair day, whitch made me do a half up half down hairstile, with just a few starps of hair falling in front, framing my face.

Mrs.Hastings, drove me and the girls to school today, she was taking Spencer and offered us a ride. The road was terrible and she did not look happy about the SAT's being today, if anyone is asking I totally agree with Mrs.Hastings about changing the SAT's date.

"You don't have to come inside,mom. If it were cancelled, nobody would be here" Spencer tells her mother, walking fast behind her, as we follow behind.

liar-Jason DilaurentisWhere stories live. Discover now