3) the breakup

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Four years ago, I found out I had a tumor after I passed out during a meeting with Moi and the company. We were talking about my new book idea. Then, I suddenly just blacked out.

I woke up in the hospital. The luminous ceiling light was the first thing I saw. When I looked to my side, all I saw was the doctor, examining my conditon. The doctor asked me if I was okay, and the first thing I said was, "Where's Moi?" God I was so in-love then.

The doctor told me a lady was here earlier. Long, brunette hair; must be River. I asked the doctor if there was a 6'2 man who came here after I passed out, and he said no.

He asked me how I was feeling, and I said I felt fine. Though, my head was still hurting then, I wanted to go home. Then, he broke out the news.

"Ms. Corleone, I have your labs here, and this is sad to say, but you have brain tumor."

"I'm going to die" was the first thing I could think of when I heard the news. I asked him if there was a chance I could live. All he kept saying was medication, therapy, and surgery, but the doctor never gave assurance that I will fully recover.

I took a long, loud sigh. "I guess this is my fate," I told the doctor. "I want to go home," I said. The doctor did not like the idea, of course, but I told him I would be back. I was determined to do everything to live. There were a lot of things I loved that I didn't want to say goodbye to. He eventually let me go, and I took a taxi home.

That time, I was living with Moi in our apartment. We've been together for seven years. We moved out of our parents' house at 18 with the money we saved up from working part-time jobs. We were determined to build our own home.

When I got to the apartment, he wasn't there. I waited till' midnight when the door to our apartment finally opened. And there he was, stepping inside.

"I have something to say," we both said at the same time. Tension rises in the room. We sat down in the living room. He told me to go first, and I did. Because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to say it if I would wait any longer.

"I have brain tumor," I said, without any warning. For a moment, he sat there like a statue. I saw a tear from his eye drop onto his shirt. "My love..." I said. I tried to hold his hand, but he stood up and faced the other way.

"Shoot, why now?" I hear him whisper to himself.

"Moi?" He looked at me again, this time with regretful eyes.

"I'm breaking up with you, El." Why? Why? Why? I kept asking myself. I couldn't say anything to him that instant. I tried, but it was a bitter pill to swallow. And I remembered, he wasn't at the hospital. These past few months, he's been spending less time with me and more with...

"Where were you?" I asked. His words kept echoing in my head.

"What?" he asked and I repeated my question. He looked ashamed and afraid. "I was with Savannah," I clearly hear him saying. My gut was right.

"She finally changed you from a booty call to a boyfriend huh?" I said loudly.

"Elayne," he said in a serious tone.

"What, I'm right! One year! I have been convincing myself that nothing was going on between you two, and I was stupid to believe EVERY DAMN WORD YOU TOLD ME! You said I had nothing to worry about..." He remained silent. He kept looking at the floor. He avoided my contact.

I was scared to ask him. I was afraid he would say yes. But for the clearance of the situation, I had to. "Did you kiss her?" I asked. He said nothing. I asked him again.

"Did you or did you not kiss Savannah?"

"Yes..." I saw him mouthed the word. He finally looked me in the eye, but I couldn't look at him anymore.

Without thinking, I said, "Is this what she do in the office? Stealing people with partners?" I triggered him. He did the one thing I never thought he could, or at least, the one thing he promised he wouldn't do. He swung his arm hard and slapped my face. I was dazed.

"Don't talk to her like that," he told me in my face. I could see his arms trembling.

"Fine," I said. I held back my tears. That was the moment I knew I shouldn't show my weakness. After he realized what he had just done, I saw the shock on his face.  I gathered the stuff the I had. He tried saying something, but I stopped him, and said, "No, I get it. Gotta always defend your girl." He shook his head, but I thought that was just the guilt messing his brain.

That night, I left the apartment. I went to River's house and cried and cried, my tears could fill a river. But he never knew. Because not once, he tried contacting back.


before you could love some characters, you have to hate them first^^

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