"I.. I.. do have Mom . Don't say that...!!"

"Oh really...?!! Is that why you were abandoned by her..You're a curse idiot that's why you..."
His words remains left as he get kick and end up on the ground.
When Nanon looked up he saw a taller boy stand in front of him .

"Who the hell are you to kick our friend!!"
The other one said as he tried to punch the newcomer. The taller boy dodge the shot and punch on his abdomen earning a painful whimper from him and he also ends up in the ground.

"Don't say any fucking bad word and you gonna regret it so badly."

The boy said covering Nanon. And
Another boy tried to punch him but the taller boy punched his face hardly making him stumbled back.
And kick him making him fall in ground.

Three of them exchange glances at each other and look afraid and run away from there saying, We will get back to you two."
The taller boy looked at them in anger but without going after them he stopped in his track hearing a sobbing sound. He saw the beaten up boy hugging his knees and crying harder.
Boy kneel before Nanon and pull him to a hug.
Nanon for the first time felt warmth that he never had. The warmth of fondness maybe care and all. He felt so relieved. He let fall his tears freely as the boy cooing him saying reliving words to him while rubbing his back.

"Hey.. hey.. it's Okay... you have me... Don't be afraid.... It's... Ok... "
After a long cry Nanon slowly pulled away from hug and looked at the boy .
He was mesmerized by golden skin, small smiling eyes which sparkling and wide smile which is the most beautiful smile ever he saw. He never saw someone handsome and nice as him in his life.

The boy wiped Nanon's tears smiling at him and asked cupping his face,
" Are you Okay....??"

Nanon only nodded and more tears fell.
He wiped them again saying,

"Hey it's Okay.... You're not what they said. You're not bad luck. Absolutely You're lucky charm dimple . Did you know the moment I entered the playground and saw you I also found a dollar note. You're an absolutely lucky charm."

Nanon looked at him surprise because no one ever said something like that to him,

"Am I...??"
Nanon asked in his tiny voice.

"Yeah you are. Don't you believe me. Let me show you..."
Said the boy and run towards playground gate and bend down to pick something and run towards Nanon again and showed the note.
Nanon looked at him awe. He was happy at least someone thought he was lucky and care about him for the first time.

"Thanks.. "
Nanon said looking into boy eyes.

"For What....?"
The tall boy asked helping Nanon to stand up.

"For saving me."

He smiled and ruffled Nanon's hair saying,
"I'm a black belt holder . They're nothing to me.
( The boy said showing his biceps with proud grin wiggling his eyebrows playfully. )
Nanon giggles at that. He ruffle Nanon's hair saying,
"But Don't thank me I need something in return."

Nanon asked feeling dejected.
He smiled again and said ,

"I wanna be your best friend."

Nanon's mouth opens in shock and disbelief. No one ever want to be friends with him . So he is in shock.
"Why... No one likes me or wants to befriend me."
He said looking down trying so hard not to cry. Ohm cupped his face making him look at him and said,

"I'm not that no one and I don't wanna let go off my lucky charm.
( He said huffing so adorably.)
So will you be my best friend forever dimple ??"
He asked enthusiastically.

"I would love to be your best friend."

The taller boy smiled happily and hug him jumping like nursery kid and said,

" Yeah. Now you're my bff Dimple.
I'm Ohm. And what's your name dimple?"

"I'm Nanon ."
Nanon said happily.

"But I think dimples suit you more. I will love to call you dimple . Then let's go to the infirmary naa...."
Ohm said as he supports Nanon to walk.
Nanon nodded saying,

" Yeah... Let's go...."


Nanon POV

That's how I met him for the first time. It's the best thing that has happened to me from the day I was born other than selecting to the university with a scholarship. That's also one of my happiest memory. Because I met and befriend Ohm. From that day on we were inseparable.

But I don't know.. how or when this happened... But my heart belongs to him the moment we met... I never step over our boundaries because I know I can't lose him as my friend . I will not be able to bear that pain... Never... I don't want to see him hate me.... Dying is better than being hated by him. Because I don't have anyone other than him and his family. Because now ( sigh) I am particularly an orphan.

Because My mom abandoned me the moment I was born. I never ever get to see her. Only one picture from my father. And my father is a good person. He is a steward so he is always traveling while I'm at home alone. But he is a good father. He looked after me until he died in cardiac arrest suddenly when I was just 18.
So... that's how my life flows till now but with all these sad memories and rough time Ohm was there with me.
With every single step of my life Ohm beside me till now. The second best thing happened to me by Meeting Ohm is his family . Ohm's Maa is a real mom to me. Paa also loves me the same even though their family is wealthy and well known Business family. They equally loved me as Ohm . They helped me in my studies and let me live with them when dad passed away.
They are the human form of angels. I'm really glad to meet them. They are also my family.

But everything between us started to change... I no longer can see Ohm as my best friend.
That day I realised my feelings......

To Be Continued.........


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