"I have to go mom" I say to her, cheching my phone I see a message from the girls, we are meeting to figure what to do with Toby's file. She doesn't say nothing in response, it's not unsual of her, typical Sasha Bennet.

"Hannah. What is wrong with you? Just slow down" Spencer comments from inside the vehicle.

"Yeah, Spencer is right you can't burn the file here"Aria says getting out of the car from the back seat, Spencer was were there too. I took the passanger seat.

"Look Hannah, this is a terrible idea" I say, with my arms crossed.

"Just stay here" Aria says to Spencer.

"Hannah, Hannah" Aria calls out her name.

"Can we at least talk about this?" 

"No,I don't want this in my house and I don't want it in my locker" Hannah says gesturing to the file in her hand.

"I'll male it to the police" I say" My dad's a cop remmeber, problem solved" I say from behind Hannah.

"It's not gonna happen. I'm not gonna have this traced back to me"

"How are they gonna trace it back? Ava is the one licking up the envolpe" Spencer yelled.

"I'm the one who works on that building" Hannah yelled back.

"And I am the one living with a cop" I joke.

"I'm also the one who always gets caught."

"Hannah, Spencer is right" Aria spoke running after her" Burning the folder out here is a bad idea. The police could use it to build a case against Toby".

"He had a motive to kill Alison."

"And can also prove that I broke into the shrink's office. Ava, if your dad finds out we were the ones that took it, we are screwed, you really want him to find out?" She had a point, if the file was burned no one would know anything. It was safer.

"Look, I really can't afford taking more field trips to the precint" Hannah admited"Pretty sure, after three strikes you are assigned to the prison laundry"

"Hannah, what strikes? You were just tryig to save your friend"Aria spoke.

"Look, I already gotten busted for stealing sunglasses and my boyfriend's car" Hannah admited.

"Wait, you stealed sunglasses?" Spencer asked in shocked "From who?"

"Not from a person, from a store. God, I have some class." I couldn't help but laugh, god if anyone ever found out my shit I would be in deeper trouble than this.

"Hannah, this is not about petty theft" Spencer started"Toby could be the killer. We can't be making the same mistakes over and over" Spencer said angry.

"We?" Asked Hannah

"Yes, we"Spencer said taking the file from Hannah's hand."Okay, we are all in this together. We are all being stalked by A. And if he's run off.."

"Okay, we don't know if he is A" Aria cuted Spencer off.

"Oh please, have you gotten one single text since last night? The devil has a name and is Toby"

liar-Jason Dilaurentisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें