Codrin sat down in the seat Viktor usually sat in and conversations stopped. Nobody took Viktor's seat when his mate was alone. The last time someone had sat there, they left with a few broken ribs, along with a broken leg.

"What do you think you are doing, Codrin?" Ivan, a close friend of Viktor's, growled at the teen, who flinched but did not move.

Codrin smirked after regaining his composure. "Can I not sit next to a pretty boy?"

"I would like it if you moved away from my mate." A voice growled from behind them and Ivan gave a smug look to the teen who had all the color drain from his face.

Codrin gulped, slowly turning around but then put a smirk on his face, confidant in what he was going to say. "You act as if he belongs to you, he will never always be yours. Correct, darling?" He caressed the younger's pale cheek, receiving a growl and a hand around his wrist, tightening until it broke with a 'snap'.

"I belong to Viktor, the same as he belongs to me. We are equals. I would never want anything else in my life but to be with him." Dimitrius growled, twisting the arm until he heard another 'snap' reach his ears that were slowly becoming more pointed as his creature side showed itself. "You are just a cocky brat that will fuck and cheat his way through life."

Dimitrius let go of the brat and sat back down in his seat, taking a piece of egg in his fork.

"Bitch." Codrin's voice ground out but was silenced as another bone was broken, a cry coming from his lips. A whimpered followed as heavy footstep approached the boy.

"I have been merciful to you. Be thankful you will not be convinced of harassing the mate of a drakon." Viktor growled and the boy fell to the floor with a sob.

The dominant slipped into the seat next to his mate, kissing his temple and grabbing sausages off of one of the silver dishes. Dimitrius kissed his mate's cheek as thanks and took a bite of his eggs.

"Quite a show you like to put on." Ivan joked, smirking at his friend that he sat across from.

"He just likes the theatrics." Adalet teased, picking at her meal. "We will need it when bursting into the hall of the English brats."

Dimitrius sighed. "You will need it. Viktor and I will be walking in with Karkaroff."

"Why is that?" Ivan asked, furrowing his brows.

"Karkaroff wishes to show off his prized student. I said I would not go without my mate by my side." Viktor stabbed at his food and glared at the head table where Karkaroff had just walked in.

"I see."

Karkaroff stood to give a speech but had to clap his hand twice until they would quite down. Not everyone liked the man after he threw out their old headmaster, who as a fair and kind man that knew when to be strict.

"My students! We will be traveling to our friends at Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament, and we will be a guest there, along with our friends from France. May I remind you that we are guest, and are to make friends, not enemies. Have you and your desired belongings on the boat by noon." The headmaster said awkwardly, still not use to the job of teaching.

"Bullshit." Adalet scoffed under her breath. "The English people are jokes, not even teaching their children the origins of the Light and Dark. They say that you have to only be Light and they will be the reason for our downfall."

Not all Dark magic was as bad as one may think. It was just formed into what people saw as spells that had bad or 'dark' intentions, and that meant that it was not a good thing and so they made a light side to counter all dark things. But just because it can hurt people does not mean that it is not good as well.

"They are going to upset the balance." Ivan added, voice slightly muffled by food.

Dimitrius rolled his eyes and got out of his seat. "They all ready have."

He walked off into the hall, going back to his room to pick up any last things that he would need for the trip before they left.

Sighing as he put another large book that was on healing spells into his small, bottomless and weightless bag that he uses for traveling, he thought about the many situations of his old family finding out who he is, and what would happen.

"You need to stop worrying, my light." Viktor took the bag out of his hands lightly shaking hands, spinning him around as he did. "None of that will be good for the journey we have."

"But what if they reconize me?" His voice cracked at the end, his gaze going to their intertwined hands. "What if they see me as their old son? I do not think my soul could handle being away from you again..." Dimitrius' voice as he trailed off, remembering the time when a man had found him after getting lost in the Russian magical alley. That man had tried to touch him in places that he did not want to be touched by that man. Later, the wizarding news would say about a young submissive that had been close to being raped at the age of eight.

Viktor growled and raised his mate's chin so that he could look into those beautiful eyes. "You are mine, same as I am yours. If any of those bastards try to take you away from me, then I will fall protecting you or they will die by my fire." A wisp of smoke curled from the lips of the dominant.

Dimitrius leaned forward, connecting his head with the strong chest and welcoming scent of Viktor.

"I love you, Viktor." Dimitrius whispered, shifting so that he could look at his mate.

"And I love you, Dimitrius. I do not care for your life as Harry Potter. We will get through this journey together." Viktor kisses his mate long and hard, never wanting to let go.

Dimitrius could feel the pressure decrease as the ascended from the water. When the boat reached the surface, students rushing to the small portholes the get a look of the school.

"You are not going to join them?" Viktor asked as he sat up from where he had been writing a letter to his mother and father. Dimitrius shook his head and closed the large tome in his lap with a sigh.

"I do not need anymore nerves." It was true, and seeing the school that is rumored to have moving staircases and endless halls, he did not need to see it until they unboarded.

Viktor moved so that he could face his mate and look him in the eye. "If they say anything, tell me who and where. Mother and Father have said that if anyone thinks about taking you, that you can leave the English country to go home. But only if you wish so."

Dimitrius gave a gentle kiss to the others lips, sighing when Viktor put a hand on the back of his head to deepen it. The younger climbed towards it mate, straddling his hips and pressing their chests together as their lips moved in sync.

A knock on the door and the creak of it opening caused the two to pull away from their kiss. Viktor gave a low growl, but stopped when he saw it was Karkaroff. The headmaster looked startled at finding his prized student and his mate kissing but cleared his throat to try to clear the tension. It did not work.

"Ah, Viktor. We will be making our entrance soon. Be ready and get dressed in your attire for the event." Karkaroff shifted as Viktor's stare did not hinder and soon left the room.

"Asshole thinks I do not know." The drakon growls and Dimitrius turns the hateful glare away from the door and on to him, which it soon meltec into a look of love. "Dimi, my love, he does not like you. It makes me want to tear him apart."

The submissive shook his head. "I do not care what the Death Eater thinks. He betrayed his country and will never hold my respect. I have said that and their is nothing he could do to me." It was one of the reason Karkaroff does not like Dimitrius, due to the fact that he also called the man a traitor in front of the whole school when term started.

Dimitrius slid of his mates lap and stood from the small couch in their room to put on his dark red furs so Karkaroff would be happy. Viktor did the same, admiring the way his mate looked in the long coat that hid most of his figure. It was movable, but hot by the way his mate had already took off his over shirt.

Viktor grabbed the black, circular fur hat and fitted it on his mate's head. He smiled when he got a kiss as thanks.

Soon, the two were off, walking out of their room with hands intertwined with each others.

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