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you're so pretty,
it hurts

it's saturday and here i am with my classmates, at the school while the other students at their homes, enjoying the weekend.

ugh... i hate it. but what can i do? i'm going to sit for spm in just a few months.

i sigh quietly as my eyes wonder around the class. the atmosphere is filled with chatter and laughter. wind is blowing the curtains, which making the class quite chilly.

"this is naili!" suddenly one of my friends, julia approaches me with camera in her hand. her favourite thing to do, recording.

i once asked her why, and her answer was- so that she still can replay those videos eventhough the moments have passed long ago. so that she can cherish those valuable memories.

"say hi."

"hi," i smile and wave, following julia's wish. an empty chair beside me is pulled by her to sit down.

"she's the beauty with brain in our class." she states while hugging my side.

i roll my eyes playfully. "says the one who is the actual beauty with brain."

"girl, quit lying already. you're the school's top one." she says in a not so stern tone with knitted eyebrows.

"okay okay, whatever." a chuckle escapes my mouth.

"good girl." julia ruffles my middle length hair before continuing to record the boys then. "there, our cutie patootie, wazif!"

"we love wazif." i says slowly, enough for the two of us to hear it.

yea, who wouldn't love him? despite his chubby presence, he looks adorable!

"mhm." julia agrees.

then, her hand moves the lens to focus to another boy. my eyes follow the movement and with that, my gaze is actually averted to the person that is being recorded by julia.

"he's-" before i could finish, i quickly snap shut my mouth.

"hmm?" julia looks at me in question.

"nothing." i reply and she just makes an 'okay then' face.

damn, i almost say it out loud. he's beautiful. is he an angel? how can a boy, a literal 17 years old boy like him, looking so beautiful?

the soft and gentle breeze of the wind, gently blowing his hair back and the morning rays from the sun, shining on his skin, making him looks even more beautiful. he looks just like a painting... a work of art, although all he is doing just reading a book peacefully.

oh god,

"naili!" i snap back to the reality when this girl beside me slightly exclaims my name.

"oh sorry, i zoned out."

julia's eyes twinkle with mischievous look. "zoning out huh? i thought you were admiring erman."

"what? no."

julia snickers. "my my, someone is in love..."

"hey, i'm not."

"yes you are."

"no i'm not."


"i'm not." i glare at her.

"okay miss naili..." julia giggles and stands up, ready to run away. "you like erman..." she teases once again.

"ugh... julia..." i narrow my eyes and my hand is about to pinch her but she is quick to get away as she laughs.

i shakes my head. this girl...

my gaze, then again, returns to that heavenly beautiful boy, wanting to take in the sight of him.

he is now peering out the window, looking at the clear sky.

i rest my chin in the palm of my hand as i study him.

erman is known for being a good looking guy but i didn't know that he is this good looking.

even with some moles on his face, he is still fine.

he's so beautiful, it hurts.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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