Tyler pats D.J. on the back.

Tyler: I feel you. Chickens give me the creeps, dude.

Y/N: That's... slightly less reasonable.

Gwen: You're afraid of chickens?

Duncan chuckles at the athlete's fear.

Duncan: Wow, that's- that's just lame, man.


Gwen: So suddenly, everyone's having this big share-fest by the fire. Like Beth went on and on about how her mortal fear's being covered by bugs. Harold's afraid of ninjas. Even Heather admitted she's afraid of sumo wrestlers.

*Confessional end*

Gwen: What's my worst fear? I guess, being buried alive.

Lindsay: Walking through a minefield... in heels.

The actor gives the blonde a confused look.

Y/N: Is that a fear or a nightmare?

Lindsay cowers in fear.

Lindsay: Both!

Owen: Flying, man. That's some crazy stuff.

Izzy: I would never go up in a plane. NEVER.

Geoff: I'm scared of hail. It's small but deadly, dude.

Bridgette: Being left alone in the woods.

Sadie clutches onto the broken piece of wood.

Sadie: Bad haircuts.

Lindsay: Oh, ok. I change mine. That's so much scarier than a minefield.

Y/N and Owen share confused looks while Cody ponders his worst fear.

Cody: Having to defuse a time bomb under pressure.

Trent: I hate mimes, like, a lot.

Courtney: I'm not really afraid of anything.

Duncan fake coughs and says,

Duncan: Baloney.

Courtney: Oh really? Well, what exactly is your worst phobia, Mr. know-it-all?

The campers turn their heads to Duncan to hear what his worst fear is. The punk rock guy feels the pressure and tells everyone.

Duncan: Uh, Celine Dion music-store standees.

Cody: Ha, ex-squeeze me? I didn't quite get that.

Trent: Dude, did you say "Celine Dion music-store standees?"

Duncan covers his face in embarrassment.

Lindsay: Ooh, I love Celine Dion!

Y/N: Same here. She did a song for, "The Impossible Mission." I even got to meet her at the world premiere, she's a really nice woman.

Lindsay gasps at this.

Lindsay: You met Celine Dion?! That is so amazing!

Lindsay then gets a confused look.

Lindsay: What's a standee?

Trent: You know, that cardboard-cutout thing that stands in the music store.

Duncan: Don't say it, dude.

Trent: Kind of like a life-size, but flat, Celine.

Courtney smirks at Duncan.

Courtney: So if we had a cardboard standee right now-

Duncan covers his ear to not hear Courtney's remark.

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