How to Enter

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For your work to be considered, it needs to be entered in the FORM

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For your work to be considered, it needs to be entered in the FORM. This is linked inside this part, but it will also be announced in our Message Board. Submissions will go from October 01, 2023 to October 31, 2023, 11:59 PM, GMT+8.

When viewing the form, you will be asked the following:

Make sure to type exactly how it appears in your profile. Beware of capitalizations.

Please provide the title exactly as it appears in your Wattpad profile.

Make sure this is available in Wattpad.

This is a one to two sentence pitch of your story. Keep it between 30 – 35 words.

This is the entirety of your story, complete with spoilers and the ending. Tell us everything that happened in the story. Keep this less than 500 words.

This is a short description of your book that's meant to entice readers in. This is different from the summary, since this one offers a sense of question and intrigue to the reader.

The subgenres of Dark Fantasy correspond to our Reading Lists. They are: Dark Science Fantasy, Dark Occult Fiction, Dark Fantasy-Romance, Dark Urban Fantasy, Dark High/Epic Fantasy, and Dark Paranormal/Horror Fantasy.

Please fill up the form to the best of your ability. Missing and broken links will not be attended to.

The Chosen Darkling 2023Where stories live. Discover now