13 - #IWokeUpLikeThis

Start from the beginning

"I had no choice. He's the only underwear model I knew."

"Are you sure that's all?" Her expression was flat as a mannequin, but there was no mistaking the teasing note in her voice.

I glared at her. "Yes."

The unexpected quiver of uncertainty in my voice surprised me. What the heck?

"Ugh. I don't have time for this." I ruffled my hair in frustration. "My article's due in eight weeks, and I'm still nowhere near catching this wolf. Worse, Paris found out Nat, Sera, and I had a little reunion yesterday thanks to Charity's TweetyGram post, and now she's calling for a band meeting."

"Sounds like it's going to be fun."

I thought I heard a trace of envy in Bree's voice, but then I realized I must've been hallucinating. This was Bree I was talking to. She didn't have any reason to envy me. Her life was way better than mine. She was one of the most gorgeous women I'd ever met, she had a prestigious job she could be proud of, and she had the best boss—and soon-to-be-boyfriend—anyone could ever ask for.

I should've been the one who envied her, not the other way around.

"I just don't understand why Nat insists on having the meeting today," I grumbled. "Sera can't even join us today because she's on a weekend getaway with her perfect boyfriend."

As Medusa Lindsey unleashed her venomous serpents, I sipped my coffee, hoping the flavor would calm me down. But it didn't. Instead, I got even crankier.

"It won't be a complete band meeting without Sera anyway, so why can't we have the meeting two months from now or something? I'm supposed to work on my article this morning."

"Don't work yourself too hard, Linds," Bree said. "I'm sure you'll finish your article in time."

I sighed. "I hope so."

A glance at my watch told me it was 7.50 a.m. I took my coffee to my room and opened the TweetyMeet app on my laptop. While I waited for Nat to call me, I picked up my phone and checked TweetyGram.

The first post that appeared on my feed was Princess Tortie's. The senior cat was photographed sunbathing at a beach wearing a pair of yellow-rimmed sunglasses and a large straw hat, her black-and-orange fur shining beneath the summer sun.

Beach time with Daddy 🏖

#PrincessTortieGoesToTheBeach #CatsOfTweetyGram #AdoptDontShop

The caption brought a tiny smile to my face, and I tapped the heart button under the photo.

I swiped my thumb across my phone's screen, scrolling past a few funny pet memes until Fiona's latest post caught my attention.

Every day is Treat Day!

#FoodieGram #Dessertholic #TreatDay #LatePost

Apart from being a crossword junkie and a telephile, Fiona was a die-hard foodie. Most of her TweetyGram posts were food, the kind that made my stomach growl like a hungry wolf.

Drool pooled at the corner of my mouth as I stared at the picture of various fruity, creamy desserts in mini Mason jars: banana pudding with shortbread cookies and cream cheese, chocolate cheesecake parfait with a spoonful of cherry pie filling on top, rainbow cake sandwiched together with fluffy whipped cream and fresh fruit, and many more. The geotag on the post told me the photo was taken at Dessertholic, a new dessert shop located a few blocks away from my apartment.

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