Chapter 1

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They seemed to be one of those couples.

Middle aged, no kids - yet, whether by choice or not was unclear - yet.

Their surrounding family and friends liked to remind them of the impending doom of the biological clock, while also laughing it off the next second by saying something alike «but you still have a little time, don' t worry», not even wondering if it really was something what this ,otherwise, typical couple wanted - by choice or not.

But really, who knows what happens in peoples heads outside of their socially conform external behaviour?

They' d long fallen for the same old routine of married life, two humans exchanging a couple of word here and there, some days only merely addressing the problem of the bin having to be emptied or some gruesome dishwashing, complaining about the shopping list, and on most days coexisting almost quietly next to each other after work, in the same room but mostly in their own world, consumed by their own individual stress and worries, assuming to know most of what there is about the other, accepting it as a fate of their life, and sometimes a rather boring but somehow welcome constant.

Or so they assumed.

I should probably mention their names at some point.

Hers was Mona, and she never loved it but never disliked it either. It was just her, nothing more, nothing less. On most days her hair was a much more critical concern, then her name had ever or would ever be in her life.

He on the other side liked to be called Theo, because quite frankly he couldnt stand Theodore since his early childhood days, as it became an everlasting reminder of all the mean kids in first grade, who forever ruined the name, as only the innocent maliciousness born out of wisdomlessness of little minds could.

Its hard to say for sure, whose fault it was in the end. Neither of them meant to harm the other

- intentionally.

It just- oh, well,- you'll see.


So, what do you think? Boring couple or looming danger ahead?;)

I know it's quiet short- but is intended to be a rather short story, I just thought that pulling it apart into a few chapters could make it more cohesive(if that meks sense)

Please feel free to comment if there are any grammatical errors or other kinds of mistakes- it would be very helpful!

And thanks for reading:)

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