"Easy Wildfire, breath slowly," he said and his calm voice helped me calm down because I was for sure on the urge of a panic attack. When I could finally breathed normal I sat back and looked up at them.

"I'm good that knocked the wind out of me," I said and I saw the pain in Solo's eyes. "That was my fault I shouldn't have been struggling against you so hard, not your fault," I assured him even though I knew my words weren't going to smooth the anger he was already feeling toward himself.

"I'm so sorry, I'd never hurt you," he genuinely said.

"It's all good, no damage done," I said but I saw in Roman's eyes he didn't see it that way.

"I think that's enough training for one day," he announced.

"Agreed," Solo said.

"I'm fine, we can still...," I started to say till I saw the expression on Roman's face. "Okay we'll stop. I stood up and Roman walked me over to the ropes. He quickly got out while it took me a few extra seconds to step through the ropes. Standing on the apron I stared at Roman who didn't hesitate to grab for my legs and lift me off the apron and into his arms.

"You don't have...," I started to say and I got the same expression, so I just shut my mouth and let Roman carry me up the stairs. Solo following close behind us. Linda was baking something and Paul was sitting at the island, a bunch of papers in front of him, as we came into the room.

"You done already," Paul said then did a double take.

"What happened?" he asked standing up. Linda stopped what she was doing and came over.

"Samoan drop gone wrong," I said.

"I take it Solo won?" Paul questioned.

"I say I won and Solo was a sore loser," I answered trying to lighten the mood.

"Briar, I'd never hurt you, it's my job to protect you and..."

"Stop, just stop," I interjected. "It was an accident and for the millionth time I'm fine, just knocked the wind out of me."

"Then why is he carrying you?" Linda asked.

"Because he's paranoid and over protective," I answered. Paul laughed then tried to hide it from a glaring Roman. Everyone then went their separate ways and Roman carried me up the stairs to my room not putting me down till we got to my bed.

"You know I don't hate that your over protective, it's nice I've never had anyone care that much for me."

"Then why do you always try to resist it?" he asked kneeling on the floor now eye level with me. I put my hand up against his cheek and let my thumb rub over the softens of his beard.

"I don't resist it, She does," I told him referring to The Wild One. He stared into my eyes then slowly nodded his head. Acceptance flowed into his eyes.

"Okay, are you sure you're not hurt?" he asked.

"I'm fine now, but I won't lie I've never had the air knocked out of me that bad, I thought I was going to pass out because I couldn't breathe," I told him.

"I know, you scared me, if you don't feel right later let me know we'll get you checked out. You go have a shower first, I'll wait," he said.

"Alright," I said standing up. I went for the bathroom but stopped halfway there to look back at Roman. "Hey Chief," I said meeting his gaze. "Could you do me a favor and not give Solo a hard time about this, in fact don't even bring it up. When you aren't around, he's always with me making sure I'm safe. I assure you no one can give him a harder time then himself," I explained. Roman didn't answer instead nodded his head in understanding. After my shower I threw on some sweats and headed downstairs while Roman was in the shower. No one was around but Linda in the kitchen.

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