027; the next day

Start from the beginning

Rafe nodded his head as he continued to sip on his coffee. "Sometimes it's better like this" he hummed back at her, setting his cup down. "Yeah" Myra smiled, glancing down at her own cup before she picked it up, gulping some of her coffee down. They sat in silence for a moment as they drank their coffee, unsure what more there was to say. Myra caught Rafe looking at her every now and then, his blue eyes shimmering like the sun on the surface of the Atlantic ocean. "You done?" he asked as Myra finished her coffee, setting her cup down. "Yeah" she hummed in response, to which Rafe took her cup and put it in the sink along with his one. Myra watched him rinse them off, her chin now resting in the palm of her hand. "What time are you heading back?" she asked him, watching the way his back moved as he did the dishes. "I don't know" he huffed, his back still turned towards her. He finished up and turned around, leaning his back against the kitchen counter. "What? You're in a hurry to get back to your boyfriend on the island?" Rafe questioned, a smug smirk upon his lips as he crossed his arms over his toned chest.

"No... I don't have a boyfriend back on the island, you already know that"

"So where is he huh? The main land?" Rafe asked, eyeing her up and down as he took a step forward, getting closer to where she was sitting. "No" Myra scoffed, leaning back in her seat, "I already told you, I don't have a boyfriend... were you too drunk to remember?". Rafe chuckled, slowly but assuringly shaking his head. "As far as I remember I wasn't the drunk one" he pushed, sitting down to face her, "I remember it more as me holding your hair back as you threw up like right in front of me"

"Euw" Myra muttered, gazing off as she scrunched her nose up. A faint smile found it's way onto Rafe's lips as he gazed upon her, finding the small nose scrunch to be cute, something he held to himself. "It's fine" he assured her, once more chuckling. "Yeah but it's disgusting" Myra confessed, letting a nervous laugh slip past her lips. Rafe shrugged, dragging his right thumb along his bottom lip. "Have you ever had a bad night like that?" Myra asked a little lower, leaning in curiously. She herself had experienced a few bad nights related to drugs and alcohol, but never had it ended up in her throwing her guts up in front of a kook boy.

Rafe looked at her, dragging the tip of his tongue against the back of his teeth, now amused. "Are you kidding me?" Rafe croaked out, chuckling to himself as he remembered all the times he had completely lost control. "Have you?" Myra asked again. "Yeah, more than once Myra" Rafe confessed, keeping his answer relatively vague. Myra nodded once, feeling her heart skip a beat as her name rolled off his tongue. She was intrigued, wanting to know what he had done, but she didn't dare to ask. The smirk upon Rafes lips lingered, but he didn't speak another word about it. Instead he shifted the conversation into something else, leaning back in his seat, "there's actually a party out on figure eight tonight... you should come with me"

"Oh" Myra breathed, a little surprised by his suggestion, "yeah? Really?". Rafe shrugged simply, his gaze wandering across the room until it finally landed on her. "I mean if you're up for it" he spoke calmly, a dull expression upon his face. He wanted her to go, he had found himself actually enjoying her company, but once more it was something that he chose to keep to himself. Rafe was exceptionally good at pretending like nothing bothered him, like he didn't care at all. A habit he had picked up on over the past few years. Myra wasn't shy to a party, things like that gave her a opportunity to relax, but out on figure eight? She wasn't sure that she was allowed there. "Who's party is it?" Myra asked, not completely shutting it down. "Some dude I went to school with" Rafe simply answered. "So he wouldn't mind if I came?" Myra contined, once more making Rafe shrugged. "So what? If you're with me it doesn't matter" the kook boy answered cockily, fully aware of how he so clearly owned the island. "I'll think about it" Myra then stated, leaving a little to the imagination. Rafe scoffed playfully, gazing off as he pushed his lips together, "yeah okay"

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