Then she hesitated to speak next. " Actually....I was wondering if know. If I had someone before my coma. " Yelena didn't say anything, as she wanted her to be specific. So she sighed," Did I have a man, like - boyfriend before I went into coma?"

Yelena raised her eyebrow," You said you didn't wanna know about your past."

She sighed in frustration. Nobody understands her. Of course she doesn't want to be involved with her past, but it doesn't mean that she didn't want to know about them. She wants to know if there is someone outside, who's waiting for her, just like her parents and sister did. Just the mere thought of someone waiting for her was enough to make her heart a little race.

Yelena realised that she's struggling, so she sighed," Be sure about yourself. Because if you look for your past, it won't be completely about yourself. Other's life could be connected to yours."

Few days later, Sarah tricked Sharon and went to central park once. She knew her mother might be there. She cried for icecream, so Sharon had no way but to surrender to her tantrums.

They were sitting on a bench, Sarah saw a bunch of kids playing beside the waterpark. So she asked her to go there. Sharon sighed," Okay, but careful. " She didn't wait for another moment and ran off.

After few minutes, someone walked up to her," Is she your daughter?"

She looked up and got shocked. " Wanda?!"

That woman chuckled at her," Hi, Carter. Long time."

She stood up and hugged her. Then they sat on the bench together. " Yeah, it is. What are you doing these days?"

" Not so good, not so bad. Fine. " They laughed on it. " I was here with a childhood friend, actually. Hadn't met her since years."

" You shifted back to America from last year, then how come you didn't meet you friend? I don't think you can breath without talking and gossiping with others." She teased.

Wanda smiled then went silent. " She was...not well. You haven't met her. Wait, I'll introduce you to her. But don't question anything to her, okay?"

Sharon narrowed her eyes but nodded," Okay. "

Then Wanda turned around and waved at someone, probably her friend she's talking about. " Natasha! Here!"

Sharon was stunned. She also turned around to see if it's true. And it is really true. It's Natasha. Steve's girlfriend, Sarah's mother.

Natasha walked up to them. Wanda stood up and introduced her," Natasha, this is Sharon, we worked together for a year in London. And Sharon, this is Natasha, my bestfriend. "

Sharon awkwardly held her hand out for a shake, and so did Natasha. Then they sat together. Then Wanda started," So, who's that girl?"

Sharon wasn't sure how to answer now. She didn't know why though, but she didn't wanna tell her that - Sarah is just a friend's daughter. A sense of possessiveness trapped her. " She's my daughter. " She told her.

And Wanda widened her eyes," had a kid? That's great! But...who...who's the father?"

Sharon couldn't answer it now, as Natasha was also looking at her in curiosity. " It''s a bit complicated. I don't think it's right time to talk. " Then she noticed Sarah was coming towards them. She stood up in a hurry," It's getting late, I should get going. You two have a good time. " She faked a smile at Natasha and walked ahead to stop Sarah from approaching Natasha right now.

Sarah wanted to meet Natasha so she frowned at her," I wanna talk to her."

Sharon sighed," No, Mila. Not today. Your dad would be angry."

She shook her head," No. Dad said I can't call her mom right now. But I can see or talk to her. We saw her once here."

Sharon raised her eyebrow with a smile," That's why you wanted to come here? You sure you'd be okay?" She nodded confidently. " Let's go then. "

They approached the bench she was sitting on," Wanda, she wanted to say hii before leaving."

Wanda smiled at her," Hi little girl. I'm Wanda, your mom's friend. "

Sarah understood that she's talking about her mom( not Sharon). Then she nodded at them and extended her hand at Natasha," Hi, I'm Sarah Milaya Rogers. And I'm five. "

And talk about Natasha. She couldn't take her eyes off of her. This girl pulled her like a magnet. She smiled automatically," I'm Natasha. " then she shook her hand with her.

" Let's go, honey." Sharon grabbed her hand and she nodded. And they walked away.

Natasha kept looking at their backs. Wanda noticed her stare," What? You alright?"

She nodded," Yeah. It's just...your ex coworker seemed... weird."

Wanda waved her off," Probably she's little uncomfortable talking about her kid. Anyway, thank you for coming with me here. We used hang out in this park often. "

Natasha nodded looking around," Yeah. It feels familiar. "

But she couldn't wipe off that girl's image from her mind. Sarah.

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