Chapter 2: Day In Life

207 10 71

May 14 2001

The day was going peacefully so far as the time was six p.m as the sun was beginning to set. Right now, Ashley and her friends were baking a cake together while Robert and Elizabeth were talking on the phone with some relatives.

 Right now, Ashley and her friends were baking a cake together while Robert and Elizabeth were talking on the phone with some relatives

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Ashley: Okay, so we got all the ingredients ready?

Everyone: Yes, Mam.

Ashley couldn't help but laugh as everyone smiled at each other.

Emma: You are really good when it comes to baking.

Racheal: Yeah, in fact, you are really good with sweets and desserts.

Ashley: *Smiles* Thanks a lot.

Thomas: No problem sis, Anyways let's get started now.

Benjamin got a few eggs ready as he cracked them and put in the bowl as the others were getting the ingredients ready.

Ashley; Hey, where is the cake flour?

Michael: Right here.

Michael gently threw flour on her cheek as Ashley was shocked and looked upset.

Ashley: Michael!!!

Michael and the others began laughing as Benjamin decided to joke with her and put some flour on her other cheek as Ashley was shocked.

Ashley: Mom, Dad! Benjamin and Michael are troubling me!

Elizabeth: *Shouts from the living room* What's happening over there?

Racheal: *Laughs* It's nothing! We are all just joking with her.

Michael: Hahaha, I'm sorry, Ash. I won't do that again.

Benjamin: Same here, Don't be mad at us.

Ashley glared at both of them. Sometimes, she felt like they were her brothers who always liked to joke and trouble her. But, she still loves them.

About thirty minutes passed as they placed the cake in the oven and started it as they were waiting for the cake to be fully baked.

Thomas: This already looks delicious, Can't wait to eat it.

Ashley: That's right, After this is baked, I want to add a little bit of cream and chocolates.

Emma: Ooooh, I'm already craving!

Ashley: *Smiles* Mmmm. *Stares at Benjamin and Michael* But I'm not giving you two any slices.

Benjamin: *Laughs* Come on, Ashley. I didn't mean anything. Plus, Michael was the one who did it first.

Michael: Hey, but you followed it up.

Thomas: *Laughs* Come on, guys, you all seem like kids now.

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