Supply Room

736 8 3

!!!Hua Cheng is 21 and Xie Lian is 19!!!

"Okay sensei isn't watching, time to shine"-said Xie Lian while looking at his cheat paper under his thigh

"Alright, so 1944 aug 6 Hirosima, Nag-" Xie Lian looked up

He didn't see Hua Cheng/sensei

He got scared

He looked around only to see his sensei on his right

"Damn i didn't know the class perfection doesn't like history"- said Hua Cheng mockingly

"Sensei please I can-"

"No no i don't want to hear it, detention after class!"

"Okay..." said Xie Lian pretending to be sad

He had a little secret

He had a crush on Hua Cheng from the begining of his studies

He never telled anyone, he tought they would find him wierd or even tell the teach

The bell rang and everyone went running out of the building exept for Xie Lian

He followed Hua Cheng filled with joy that he could stay with him for another hour

They got to the room and they sat down

For Xie Lian's luck they were alone

10 minuted pass by and they haven't spoken a word, it was just Xie Lian staring at his tecah with love-filled eyes

Xie Lian wanted to strike up a converstation, but he spilled his water on the floor

"Hey You know what i wanna get home so i won't hold you in any longer, just get the mop from The supply room

Xie Lian stood up and started to walk to his destination

He was sad

He tought Hua Cheng would like him less for this mistake

He got to the door

'Supply room'

He walked in

It was a long and kind of tight

He searched for the mop

"Sponge, broom, no, no, where is it?"

He searched for 5 minutes and still nothing

'Step, step'

Xie Lian didn't hear these steps, he was too busy looking for the damn broom

He bent over, his back facing the door

The door oppened, but Xie Lian still didn't hear it

"FINALLY!"- said Xie Lian in an exited tone

The door clicked, letting out the typical sound, when it's getting locked

Xie Lian dropped the broom and looked back only to see his teacher.

"Uhm-m, sensei? What are you-"
Xie Lian couldn't finish his sentence, he got pushed to the wall, and his mouth got shut

"Now that you know my intentions, can we move on?- said Hua Cheng in a low, growl like voice

Xie Lian was shoked and muttered something to himself

"What was that, darling?~" said Hua Cheng in a lustfull tone

"Y-Yes" said Xie Lian filled with joy but still shocked

"From now on you will call me sir or daddy, you can choose sweetie~"- said Hua Cheng in a deep voice

Xie Lian blushed but he didn't have time to even think, a toung entered his mouth, filling it

Xie Lian enjoyed being a sub, and he tought it was fate that his partner is a dom

"B-But don't you have a wife and kids?"- Xie Lian pushed him away as he realized this

"Don't worry sweetie those were lies~. I needed them for my damn application"- said Hua Cheng mockingly

Hua Cheng caged him again in his arms, giving him another kiss

He started to bite his neck

"B-But aren't we forbidden to do this?"- said Xie Lian in a scared tone

"Who gives two shits about the rules, you want this don't you honey~?"- muttered Hua Cheng in Xie Lian's neck, wich made him shiver

Xie Lian has read many bl books about these actions but has not yet experienced it

Hua Cheng's hand traveled down to his mate's back, all the way down to his 'back side'

He grabbed it hard, and lifted him

Their manhood met

Xie Lian felt the other male was already hard

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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