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A/n: Now this one will be Subaru and Reiji's endings

Subaru's Ending~

 After awhile she had to chose who she wanted to be with and she chose to be with Subaru, she did care and love the male a lot. She wanted nothing more than to give herself heart and soul to him. she knew what she was getting herself into and she just hoped that at some point in time she'd be able to talk to him face to face about the problems that trouble him so much.

When the two were alone, for a night he replaced the coffin that he usually had in his room for a bed just so she wouldn't think so badly about him. She needed to be sure she wanted to be with him before seeing the real him and what he wanted to do to her he couldn't in a coffin no matter how strange he was. He made sure she was looking at him eye to eye before he spoke to her.

"Are you finally ready to accept destiny are you willing to give up everything for us? If you are capable of doing that, then I will take you with me to a place where dreams last forever. our dreams may be heaven but they can just as easily Become hell, Its all up to you. I refuse to stop myself, and how you feel about that is irrelevant to me, I will do as I please with you. So brace yourself." He said before he kissed her and made her feel as if she was the only thing that mattered that night as he bit her many times through out the night.

Which she particularly didn't care or mind. she wanted him to be more open to her and would do anything for it to happen, even if it meant to give herself fully to him.

Reiji's End~

ith After awhile she had to chose who she wanted to be with and she chose to be with Reiji, it only seemed logical to her since she'd be dead if it wasn't for him.

When she was alone with Reiji in his lab with her she was pulled on to his lap as he looked to her with a serious look. "What a bother you are, I've never had such a high maintenance servant. Honestly I wish you'd stop creating so much work for me. Unlike some people, I don't have time to unwind and enjoy myself. Nevertheless. I think I'll skip the black tea for now, I sip of your blood would be much more satisfying, so come give me a taste. Its pretty much all you're good for anyway, there's simply no way around it." He said before he took his glasses of of his face before he placed his hand on the back of her head pulling her closer to him.

That made her blush deep red as she looked into his red eyes, she didn't know why but she couldn't help but to seem attracted to him some-how.

" so prepare for some strict training and hold on little girl." He said as he bit into her neck as she held on to his shoulders.

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