Chapter One

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Once upon a time, their was three trolls.
One name Poppy. "Hey, how's it going." Scrapbook Poppy said.
The other was named Branch. "What's up." Scrapbook Branch said.
And his twin sister, Mila. "Hello." Said Scrapbook Mila.
Together, they saved the world.
Poppy became Queen, Branch and Mila found their true colors.
Boom, and that was that. Pretty cute, right. Not to me. I'm the type of cloud that goes for this sorta of thing.

 I'm the type of cloud that goes for this sorta of thing

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Woof, woof.
Mmm,Mom, anyhoo. What Poppy, Branch and Mila didn't know is that their world was a lot bigger then they knew.
Like, a lot, lot, lot, lot bigger

Under the dark sea, glow fishes were swimming by.
And their was a party going on with trolls. Not any trolls, Techno Trolls.

"One more time." The King of the Techno Trolls, King Trollex sings.

"One more time, one more time."

"What's up, my Techno trolls." King Trollex yells happily, towards his people.

"One more time."
"One more time."
"We're gonna celebrate."
"Oh, yeah, all right  don't stop the dancing."

"Tonight is all about family, love, and music." King Trollex said.
"Come on. Let me see you jump. One ,two three, four." King Trollex said, and everyone jump to the beat.

"And get ready for the drop." King Trollex said. "Are you ready, little buddy." King Trollex asked his best friend, name BDB.
"Let's do this, King Trollex." BDB said. "Wait for it." King Trollex said excited.
"Come on." BDB said. "Wait for it." King Trollex said again. "Yes." BdB said.
"Wait for it, wait for it. Wait for it." King Trollex keeps on saying. "Come on man, hit me." BDB told King Trollex.
"Just do it already." A Techno troll said.

"One more time." King Trollex sings, as he hit BDB. Creating a wave.
"Music's gor me feeling so free."
"We're gonna celebrate."
"Oh, yeah." A Techno troll said happily.

"Celebrate and dance free."
Gonna party all night.
"One more time."
"One more time, we're gonna celebrate."
"Oh, yeah, all right, Don't stop the dancing."
King trollex sings, but he saw something coming towards them.

"Don't stop the dancing."
"Oh, yeah, all right."
"Don't stop the."
King trollex, then stops the music. And all the Techno Trolls groans at that. Wondering why the music stop.
"Don't worry, everybody." King Trollex said, take off his headphones.
"Well get back to the party. In a minute." King Trollex said as he swims towards what is coming.
"Let me just take care of this real quick."
The creature bus open up its mouth, to reveal a rock troll.
"Hey man, their he is King Trollex of the Techno Trolls right." She said.
"Yeah, who's asking." King Trollex asked.
"Queen Barb of the Hard Rock trolls." Barb said, but Trollex shrugs doesn't know who she is.
"And I'm here for your string bro." Queen Barb said, playing her guitar.
"No, way." King Trollex said realizing what Barb means. "Ohh, don't do it man." BDB told from behind King Trollex.
"We lose our string, we lose out music." King Trollex told Barb.
"You mean your bleeps and bloops.  Bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, boo." Barb said making fun of his music. King Trollex looks at her offended at that.
"Yeah, that's not real music. You want to hear some real music. Rockers." Barb said, as more tour bues came. And more rockers appeared ready to play.
A troll on the drums name Riff started playing.
"Yeah." Barb sings, as rest of the rockers started playing their guitars.
"Here I am."
"Dancing like a hurricane." Barb sings as guitar blast and broken the reef in half.
King trollex  had enough of his home, getting destroyed. "Okay, okay, enough, stop. You've  harshing the vibe we worked really hard on." King Trollex said, pleading.
"Oh, but by the end of my world tour we're all gonna have the same vibe. We're all going to be one nation of trolls under Rock." Barb said, the she played her guitar and blasted King Trollex.
Hurling him away and out of the water.
"WHO'S READY TO ROCK." Barb yells out.

King Trollex x ocWhere stories live. Discover now