Chapter II

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Tim has calmed down a bit and started working on even more intricate plans to take over the company for Robert he had made smart investments for him increasing his former lower wealth due to Roberts love for luxurious status symbols, large luxus cars and expensive liquor to roughly match his sister's he was yet unable to find any projects that would make her loose money or stocks in the company. So they decided to just create fake investment opportunities that Tim would pitch to both Jane and Robert at the same wq, where Robert would fake interest in hopes that Jane would bite and then Tim would fuck up the investments making Jane loose money so she hopefully would end up having to finally sell some of her stocks, only a few would do the trick.

Tim went home late not answering Janes calls or messages asking if he wanted to go out for dinner or see a movie together. He sits at home in his hotel wondering what to do, breaking up with Jane could be dangerous since Tim now knew her secret of her being a real and evil witch like in Hollywood movies and scary stories. But continuing to ghost her might accomplish the same outcome. Also he had to meet her to pitch her bad projects and investments.

In her text messages Jane seems just as nice and cheery as ever her last few getting slightly more concerned asking if Tim was mad at her for the joke she made that morning apologizing and saying that if these jokes would make him uncomfortable than that she would stop doing them she claimed to only make them to bring him to laugh and poke fun at his ideas of feminism and not to actually hurt his feelings.

Keeping Quiet

No breaking up with her directly definitly would yield a disastrous outcome he pretended to have gone to bed early the previous night and played the part of the nice boyfriend over text the next morning.

Tim connected the archives to the internal cloud and kept making up excuses anytime Jane would ask him on date but started accepting her phone calls.

Jane however grew increasingly worried over the next three weeks, Tim kept working harder than ever to earn Robert money and creating a couple believable projects for Jane to undertake all rigged to backfire and to have a value devastating outcome he didn't know how much wealth she had outside if her stake in the company.
5% of the stocks were trading publicly currently going at roughly 25$ valuing the company at a value of 2.7 Million in value with each if the siblings holding 50k shares. Tim researched these 5% were all in private ownership of only a couple shares each all by women who are presumably customers of the product buying their shares back would prove difficult so the plan to force Jane to sell enough of hers for Robert to get a 50%+ share remained.

Sunday the thrid week Jane called Tim again he was still at home doing research less effective since from there he couldn't access the companies archives but it was still some progress and any little minute progress he made counts.
Tim picks up the call from Jane 'Hey Honey ' he greeted her 'Baby I have noticed that you are kinda off since I asked you to not be arround the lab, and I think *she pauses * I can understand that. My moms were promising to not unveil our secrets to any man out of fear of them becoming known to the public but I thought about it and this must've hurt you, so I decided if you promise to not tell anyone the secret recipes or process that I would let you watch, because I want our relationship to be build on mutual trust. And since I know all about you and you don't keep anything secret from me I think I shouldn't keep secrets from you either, so howabout you join me in the lab tomorrow?'

Tim is taken by surprise she would be willing to show him the lab herself the knowlege he could gain there might make it possible for him to defeat that witch to maybe even kill her savly so that she couldn't pose  a threat to anyone any longer but it could also be a trap by her to make her be alone with her far away from anyone else, she could curse him or maybe even make him disappear the risk was too high.
'Sorry Honey I can't I am currently really working hard at some new projects for Robert, but I have some interesting opportunities for you as well'
Jane chirped happily 'Really? That's great! I  have seen how much money you have made for my brother and if that idiot can it we two can certainly do it even better! Then let's meet tomorrow morning in the conference room to get started before I start working in the lab'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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