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"GIVE ME THAT PASTE RIGHT NOW!" He lunged at Mai Ling, almost knocking her down to the floor if it wasn't for Ye-Joon to hold her. Hyunjin grabbed Dong-Hyun by the hair, pulling him back. He aimed his gun at the selfish man, making him stop in his tracks. "Get the survivors out that window. Mai Ling, go out first with one of the men. Ye-Hoon and other men help our elders out the window first and keep the line moving."

Mai Ling and another man climbed out the window, landing on the trash bins and began receiving survivors that Ye-Hoon and the others helped up. Abbie came running, covering her tracks from the Eaters and soldiers. Mai Ling cried as she grabbed Abbie into a hug. "I thought...I thought..."

"I'm not going anywhere Mai. As you can see, Hyunjin and I came here for you and Ye-Hoon."

"Where is everyone else? Are they dead?"

"No, they're safe. Mai, I will explain later. Right now we have to get out of here fast." Abbie looked at the elderly lady who was holding the hand of her teenage grandson. "We will introduce ourselves later. Let's get out of here first. Where's Hyunjin?" She looked up towards the window. She climbed the trash bin to look inside just as Hyunjin was about to climb out. "Oh, good. We have to go now." Abbie heard a man screaming inside, but paid him no mind. She already knew that if Hyunjin left him behind, it was for a damn good reason.


Hyunjin glared at Dong-Hyun with all the disgust and hate that occupied his heart and mind. This arrogant and selfish man is the reason why Choon-Hee, Yeona and many of the hotel survivors died. The memory of him having to put a bullet through Yeona's head as she ran to attack him then holding her lifeless body in his arms was enough to aim his gun at Dong-Hyun. The coward put his hands up pleading not to be shot or left behind. The door to the barracks swung open with three Eaters rushing into the large room. "Go to hell you fucking bastard." Hyunjin then shot both of Dong-Hyun's knees, making the man scream out in pain, but also alerting the Eaters towards him. Hyunjin quickly jumped up to the window and looked back to see the Eaters attack Dong-Hyun and rip him apart.


The remaining eight survivors followed closely to their rescuers. Abbie had given a gun to Mai Ling and Ye-Hoon as well as to the other survivors. One of the surviving men bent down for the elderly woman so he could carry her on his back, much to the teen boy's relief. Mai Ling stood beside them since the man carrying the elderly lady didn't have a weapon nor did the teenager. They killed a few Eaters along the way as they ran as fast as they could down the beach to the car boats. Everyone hurried inside the car boat, packing it until some survivors had to sit on the floor. Hyunjin and Abbie quickly began driving into the water and out of the chaos behind them.

"So where are we headed?" Mai Ling asked.

"To Hadong. There is a village there of people that are safe from Eaters. Mrs. Jeong and the others are there." Abbie answered.

"What is this paste we had to eat?" The teen boy asked.

"What is your name?" Abbie addressed her question to him.

"Choi Min jun," he bowed his head. "This is my grandmother, Choi Dal-Rae." The elderly also bowed her head.

Abbie returned the bow. "The paste you ate is the cure." Everyone gasped at her information.

"C...cure?" The gentleman that carried the elderly lady asked. "By the way, my name is Kim Jae-Hwa. Thank you for rescuing us." He massaged his legs from sitting on the floor.

"Yes, thank you. My name is Ho Eun-Jung." The young woman bowed her head.

Abbie smiled at him. "Yes, the people in the village had been infected by Eaters, but once this was consumed, they were cured. Only downside is that it has to be consumed within 24 hours of infection. That is why everyone here had to consume it in case anyone got infected while we tried to escape."

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