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Two Years Ago

It has been two months since the virus outbreak and everything has quieted down. We had no internet or cell phone access. The last text message I received was from my grandfather who said he and my great grandmother were safe. The connection was lost and I was not able to respond.

Most of the Eaters have left due to no source of fresh fleshy food, but it doesn't mean it's safe. Mai Ling's father never returned home. He was a first responder and Mai Ling has accepted that he may be dead. I couldn't stay at my apartment because of my deceased family. I stayed with Mai Ling instead. I cried every night for my mother and little brother. I would feel her spoon me and try to comfort me the best that she could. I appreciate her for that.

For those living on the 3rd floor, we had access to the ceiling hatch inside of our apartments. Mine was situated in the hallway. Mai Ling is from apartment 301, Mrs. Jeong and her husband are from apartment 302, I'm apartment 303 and Mr. Wu from apartment 304. Today is the day that we decided to leave this place. Our food source is almost finished and we must move on. Mr. Wu who is a truck driver has a portable CB radio and found out the safest place to go where Eaters don't exist is Jeju Island. The Korean military has secured the island and there is food, clean water and medicine. That information gave my heart some happiness. That's where my grandfather and great grandmother were, which means he wasn't kidding when he said that he and his mother were safe. I have to get to my family.

I packed a first aid kit, tweezers, nail clipper, cuticle cutter, alcohol, flashlight, needle and thread, painkillers and change of clothes that have been duct taped in advance into my backpack along with three bottles of water and whatever edible left that didn't require refrigeration or a can opener. It was the beginning of Spring and it was still chilly outside. Today's forecast is 31 degrees. As a precaution, I took the duct tape and wrapped it all over our jackets. Mr. and Mrs. Jeong and Mr. Wu wore military pants, while Mai Ling and I wore black cargo pants. Combat boots were a must for all of us. We all met in the small space above our apartments. The ceiling was low, which made it difficult for my tall ass. I'm 5'11, but very slim. Mr. Wu, who is 43 years old and was 5'10 opened a hatch to the roof and peaked outside. There were no Eaters on the roof so that was a good sign. We all stepped out welcoming the minor fresh air.

I was mostly thankful for stretching my long legs. We helped Mr. and Mrs. Jeong on the roof. They were our older survivors. Mr. Jeong was 58 and Mrs. Jeong was 55 and they were both 5'8. He was a Lieutenant and his wife was a sergeant for the police. They were both on duty when the outbreak happened . Mr. Jeong served the Korean Airforce and was quite fit for a man his age. His wife put younger women to shame on how active and strong she is. Mai Ling was my age and stood at 5'9. She, just like me, is also a blackbelt in Taekwondo. She moved to Itaewon from China when she was 12 years old. She attended the same Taekwondo school. That's how we met. She carried her staff, her preferred weapon. It had a hidden blade on the end. Mr. Wu looked down over the safety fence and sighed as he watched the Eaters growl angrily in search of someone fresh to eat.

"We need to be as quiet as possible climbing down." Mrs. Jeong said as she adjusted the gun in her holster. She and her husband also carried the Geom sword safely in its sheath on their backs.

Mai Ling placed her arm around Mrs. Jeong, looking down at her with the biggest smile she could make. "That's why you're leading Ms. Tough Lady." Mrs. Jeong pinched Mai Ling's cheek, then smacked her upside her head making us all chuckle....quietly.

"You brat," Mrs. Jeong said.

Mr. Wu searched in his bag and pulled out an instant coffee pack and passed one to everybody. "At least we don't need a coffee maker." He ripped his open and drank. We all followed his lead and drank ours. Mai Ling moaned in satisfaction as soon as the coffee made contact with her taste buds. "Ok everybody, my pick up truck is parked half a block down," he pointed in the direction of our possible escape vehicle. "It's navy blue."

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