First meeting?..

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I was just normally walking to my house and that's when a guy passed me. He was wearing earphones but I swear. I had this weird 'feeling'.. it was like my life was about to change or a cupid went into me..! What am I saying?.. I made my way past him and felt his eyes on me for a second but I ignored his stare and made my way back home. But after going back home I started blushing bright red!
"SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT!" My dog Eggy ran up to me playfully and I placed my bag of groceries on the table and sighed. "Eggy you can play with your toys, I'm just gonna rest for a little, alright?" Eggy whined sadly after I said that. But I just couldn't stop thinking about HIM. I opened the door to my room, fell on my bed and left the door open. Eggy played with his toy playfully while I kept tossing and turning thinking about HIM the whole day till I fell asleep. Of course I forced myself to get up and feed Eggy, I ain't a bad mother!! I showered, ate, and changed to my uniform for school. I said goodbye to my dog Eggy and fed him before leaving for school with my bag, lunch, and leaving the house I found my friend waiting for me after I arrived at school. As I was talking to my friend I didn't notice my ring falling off. Then a guy who seemed familiar.. he kneeled down to grab the ring I bought and handed it to me. I was surprised to see who it was!.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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