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Oscar waited at the airport, the bustling crowd of travellers moving around him like a river of people. It had been a month since Thanksgiving, and he had flown back home to Melbourne to celebrate Christmas with his family. Now, he was supposed to catch a flight to St. Tropez for his friends' New Year vacation.

"Fly along with Isabel; she hates flying solo," Maeve had texted him. So, here he was, waiting for Maeve's best friend to arrive.

As he stood by the departure gate, Oscar spotted a familiar face approaching. "Hey, baddie!" Isabel shouted as she drew nearer.

Oscar raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Oh, I'm a baddie now?" he quipped.

Isabel chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "After what you pulled on Twitter three months back, calling you anything else would be a crime."

Oscar couldn't help but laugh, "Fair enough," he conceded.

Curious, he asked Isabel, "What are you doing in Melbourne, anyway?"

Isabel explained, "My dad's moved here for work, and my mom's too busy, so I spent Christmas with him and my stepmom."

The plane journey was uneventful. Once they were onboard, Isabel, who had professed to hate flying solo, was knocked out cold in her seat, contradicting her earlier statement. Oscar settled into his own seat, passing the time by watching a movie and reading a book. However, as the flight continued, he grew increasingly bored and found himself unable to fall asleep.

He glanced over at Isabel, who had mostly alternated between sleeping, waking up briefly for meals, and then falling asleep again. Oscar couldn't help but envy her ability to sleep so soundly.

As the hours passed, Oscar's mind wandered to Maeve. He couldn't help but reflect on his friendship with maeve. He had agreed to accompany her friend on this trip, He wondered when she had become so important to him, to the point where he readily agreed to everything she suggested.

He had always been Archie's best friend, and their bond was unbreakable. but somehow, Oscar had transitioned into being Maeve's confidant and companion. He had become protective of her, putting her needs and wishes ahead of his own. When had she become such a significant part of his life?

Before he could delve deeper into these thoughts, the announcement of their impending landing jolted him back to reality.

Oscar and Isabel entered the lobby of their hotel, their journey to St. Tropez complete. Oscar's eyes scanned the area, and it didn't take long for him to spot familiar faces. Archie, Logan, Kiera, and two girls he didn't recognize were all gathered there.

"Oscar, mate!" Logan exclaimed, waving enthusiastically.

Oscar wasted no time in asking the question on his mind. "Where is Maeve?" he inquired.

Archie, with a playful feigned offense, responded, "Woah, you haven't seen us in six months, but Maeve is the only one that matters?"

Oscar quickly defended himself, saying, "She was supposed to land before us,that's why I asked."

Isabel jumped in, providing an explanation. "She had to meet someone, collect something. She texted me."

Oscar, feeling a bit left out of the loop, muttered, "She didn't tell me anything."

Isabel, not one to back down, retorted, "Relax, Ossie. She's not your wife, for her to tell you everything. Plus, I'm her best friend, remember?"

The tension between them escalated, their eyes locked in a silent standoff. Kiera decided to intervene to ease the atmosphere, introducing her friends.

"Oscar, leave Maeve. Meet Anna and Natalie; they're my friends," Kiera said, attempting to shift the focus.

Oscar acknowledged them with a tight-lipped nod, but his curiosity about Maeve's whereabouts still lingered.

"Look, Ossie, Maeve is here," Logan said with a chuckle, prompting Oscar to turn his head. There she was, walking towards them.

"Hi, Ossie," Maeve greeted him as she approached.

Isabel couldn't resist a groan. "I'm your best friend, me!" she exclaimed, feeling a bit overlooked.

Oscar and Logan burst into laughter at the friendly banter, while Maeve looked confused.

Maeve raised an eyebrow, curious about the conversation unfolding between the others. "What?" she asked.

Logan, with a hint of impatience, explained, "Nothing, just these two being knuckleheads. Let's check in, shall we? I cannot wait here any longer."

Maeve agreed, "Yeah, cool. We're rooming like usual, right?"

Isabel hesitated for a moment before revealing her decision, "Uh, about that, I'm rooming with Logan."

Maeve and Oscar exchanged puzzled and somewhat horrified looks. "What? Why?" Oscar blurted out.

Isabel simply gave them a knowing look. "For reasons."It didn't take long for the realization to hit them.

"Oh my God, no, eww, no," Oscar and Maeve exclaimed in almost perfect synchronization.

Archie, trying to keep things light, asked, "For how long?"

Logan cryptically replied, "No one needs to know that."

Oscar was clearly concerned about where he and Maeve would end up. "Where will we go?" he asked.

Isabel reassured them with a smirk, "Relax, you can room with Maeve. Not like you haven't slept together before."

Archie seemed to choke on his words, "You're also sleeping together?"

Maeve quickly clarified, "She meant sharing a room, sleeping."

Logan then directed his attention to Maeve, "Plus, Maeve, I got those changes you wanted me to make."

"What changes?" a slightly confused Kiera asked.

"Oh, I got a suite. Don't worry; I'm paying the extra." Maeve explained.

Isabel, catching onto the trend, inquired with a mischievous grin, "Wait, will I get to sleep in the suite if I room with Maeve?"

"Relax, darling, I got us a suite too." Logan assured her.

Isabel couldn't help but comment on the situation, "Isn't it amazing, Oscar? Two trust fund babies on one trip."

Oscar simply chuckled, offering to carry Maeve's luggage as they all made their way to the elevator.

As Maeve opened the door to the suite, Oscar couldn't help but satisfy his curiosity.

"What did you have to collect?" he inquired. Maeve turned to him with a playful smile.

"You'll see tomorrow"



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