Chapter 22: Family Burdens

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The following years after she left, her mother tried to contact to her but Kimberly refused to answer. She simply couldn't forgive a woman who disowned her own a guy who made her life hell and abused her. Despite the words they exchanged face to face, in truth Kimberly didn't want her mother to die. She kept up the hope that one day she would leave but that day never came and now she was dead. It hurt Kimberly to her core that she never got to make up with her, but how could she when he was around and she refused to see the wrong in her choices? Despite how they were now, she still loved her mother and was thankful for everything she did before her mother and her real father divorced. Having lost her real father years ago, and having just lost her father, it all just hit home and drove it to her and she felt like Wyatt was all she had now.

In the years after she left, her stepfather and her mom gave the impression that Kimberly was the ungrateful rebel who walked out on them when it truth she was the victim. In fact, the whole family hated her and blamed her mother's declining health on her leaving and called her all types of names for not going back to help. it was only her aunt who knew the truth but at her sister's request, she kept silent about it all. As Kimberly sat on her knees shaking, she was absolutely horrified. She began thinking about how she had no family, barely any friends, and nowhere to go if Wyatt got tired of her and it all weighed on her.

After a few minutes, she heard the front door slam and Wyatt calling for her but she stayed silent. A few minutes later, Wyatt entered the kitchen and upon seeing her, he rushed over and held her immediately and said "What's wrong?". She tried to form a sentence but all that came out was "m-mom dead".Wyatt said, "Oh your mom died, I'm sorry...look let's forget about today's work, and let's chill, Don't you worry Imma' take care of you". Kimberly nodded and clung real tight to Wyatt for a few hours as they sat and watched TV. During this, Wyatt fell asleep and Kimberly retreated to her room and left Wyatt a text asking if she couldn't be bothered for a bit".The next 3 days were silent, with Kimberly coming out to eat, giving Wyatt her notes, and her retreating into her room to lie down all day long. Kimberly questioned herself, her actions, and just about everything else she believed in. All these years she felt she was right but for once she felt like the bad guy even though her mother chose him over her and made her feel like the bad one despite her clearly being the victim.

Wyatt was worried for her but he knew that death is something no one is ready for and is something we all have to work out on our own and she had to come to terms the same way. On the 4th day since she heard about her mother's death, she finally came out and was ready to talk. She walked into Wyatt's office where he was seated, doing work, and took a seat on the couch in there. Seeing this, he turned off his computer walked over, and sat with her. With a deep sigh, she finally said "I just don't know what to believe anymore... I'm sorry I have been distant, It was hard coming to terms that my biological mother and father are now dead and I have no one left...thanks to that asshole and my mom, the entire family thinks I'm a monster, and hates me".

Wyatt held her hands and said, "I'm here, you got me". Kimberly said," But I can't rely on you forever, eventually you'll fall in love, or get tired of me and then I'll just be alone again". Wyatt said tha-"  and was cut off by Kimberly saying" All these years I thought I was doing the right thing...but if it was right then why does it hurt so much and why does everyone blame me?".Wyatt pulls her closer before saying" I'll never get tired of you because every day is a new experience with you and I'm always looking forward to seeing what the future will bring". He continued and said," as for your mom, you did the right thing".

Kimberly sighed and said," Wait till you hear the story first". Over the next few minutes, Kimberly laid out everything that happened the day she left, before bursting into tears. Wyatt wiped her tears and said "You did the right the end, it is your life and you had to live it and you wouldn't have been able to if he still kept whispering nonsense into your ears. You made a hard decision to cut out the negativity in your life and start new and because of that you're here now in good health, doing amazing...ik it hurt but you did what you had to in order to survive".Wyatt smiled and said "my mom disapproved of me writing, she wanted me to play sports but I didn't. We're on good terms right now but were distant because I was tired of the negativity from my family so I let go and believe me it was hard to do".

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