Chapter 2 - Learning To Read Body Language

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Freya P.O.V

The next few weeks at school go by uneventful, unlike my fathers house. Mom has tried smoothing things between us do to her ill health. I would much rather just go home. I have found myself at the record store and, of course, the small book stores a couple hours away from home. Im caught up flipping through vinals when a voice from behind me startles me.

"Let me guess, Pop music?"

"I'll have you know that my music interest expands from more than 1 genre, nor do I try and class most into one. Ahhh, I found it! Now if you'll excuse me."

"Hey, not so fast. I promise I won't bite."

"Hmmm, such a shame. Oh well, I must have read you wrong, anyways what can I do for you, Nikki?"

"Why do you call me that?"

"You dont like it?"

"Not what I said, Freya."

"Pet name, I suppose I think it works. I can just call you Nick if you prefer."

"No, it's growing on me, but I need a pet name for you." He looks me up and down like he is studying me like I've seen him do a bass or, better yet, a tattoo he has drawn. His gray eyes are sending my brain into a fog, almost forgetting the subject at hand. His hand reaches over to the vinal I nearly forgot I had.

"Never picked you for a Sleep Token Fan."

"Then you should research more, Nikki."

"You are just full of spark today, aren't you?"

"Perhaps I always am, learn to ready body langue Nicholas, it will tell you more than words...usually." I say simply as I go to pay for the vinal.

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