I'm not even scared anymore but she still say:

-And you're even being dead serious?

-Am I?

-You look dead serious.

-I know.

-You've got some guts kiddo.

-I know old hag.

I started laughing at what I said. The woman was shocked and then said:

-Now you crossed the limits. Do you want me to tell your parents?

-Go on.

-You're no even scared of them, not even me heh.

-I know.


-Calling yourself?

I loved being savage and she responded in an annoyed way:

-Just shut up and stop being savage...

-Jealous much?

-Shut up...

-Whoa ma'am is jealous

-Tch shut up.

I was getting close to her, good opportunity to ask her name:

-Tell me, what's your name? I asked

-Why do you ask? She replied, angry

-Just asking.

-Tell me yours first.

She really asking this?

-Okay fine, my name is Yuna. Now tell me yours


-Ooh I like your name!

-Thanks I guess.

-Your welcome!

We talked for a little while. Her full name was Kim Myra and she was 28 years old. Well she's old, so it was right to call her an old hag, or not really. She also mentioned that no one was that close to her, so I was the first one to ask her these questions.

-So you mean we're friends now? I asked, feeling joy inside.

-Maybe, She replied with a tiny smile.

-Aw I like your smile!


This is the first time I have been so close to someone. Usually, everyone that are friends with me never really talk to me. They're always with their stupid phones and brag about how many followers they have on Instagram and haw many unknown friends they have on Snap chat. Their so weird and annoying. They never speak to me and NEVER even joined me for something. Luckily, I had that little baby of twin with me so I won't feel alone. I was quite happy to have him as my brother.

After some time, I realized that my parents should be searching for me a long time ago, so I told Myra:

-Hey Myra, I think I should go now, I am going to get yelled if I don't go to my parents, they must be worried.

-Oh don't worry, She replied. They know that your with me. Plus, you slept the whole night here.

-WHAT?!! And why didn't you tell me???

-You never asked.

-Now what do I do?

-Go home.



*Half and hours later*

-I'm home!

I said while being at the front door. My parents opened us and looked at me in the most terrifying way. They thanked Myra  and I went inside after saying bye to her. They where quite angry but glad that I was okay. After dinner, my parents explained me that I should disguise my mark the same as my brother's. At first, I didn't want to but after hearing the causes, I did what they said. It's not new for me to be forced to do the same thing as my brother.

Yuna, Spirite Of The Enchanted WolfWhere stories live. Discover now