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The early morning sun painted the skies with a gentle hue of orange as Red prepared to leave for school. His routine was consistent-quick breakfast, grab his bag, and ensure Pikachu was ready for the day's adventures.

As he stepped out of his house, a familiar sense of excitement filled him. The school in Alola was different from the traditional Pokémon journey, but it had its own unique charm. Today was going to be just another day.

However, as Red ventured deeper into the lush Alolan forest on his usual path to school, something unusual struck his ears-a series of frightened screams. Pikachu's ears perked up as well, and they both immediately changed course towards the source of the commotion.

As they pushed through the dense foliage, the scene that unfolded before them was anything but ordinary. A group of thugs, easily distinguishable by their sinister demeanor and grungy attire, had surrounded a terrified group of people. The victims were fellow residents of Alola, each clinging desperately to their beloved Pokémon.

The thugs showed no mercy as they forcibly captured the Pokémon from their owners, intimidating the helpless trainers. Red's eyes narrowed. This was not something he could simply walk away from.

"Pikachu, we have to help!" he whispered fiercely to his loyal companion.

Pikachu's cheeks sparked with electricity as it nodded in agreement.

In a flash, Pikachu darted forward, unleashing a powerful Thunderbolt attack that sent a jolt through the air, momentarily blinding and stunning the thugs. Red seized the opportunity, rushing forward the thugs and took down one of the guys with a jab on his neck with a thud sound he fell down on the ground .

The thugs, disoriented by Pikachu's attack, were quick to regroup. They glared at Red with hostility, ready to defend their ill-gotten gains.

One of the thugs sneered, "Who's this kid? How did he took down one of us already ?"

Ignoring their whispers , Red told his partner Pikachu, "We need to get these Pokémon back to their trainers. Let's do this together."

With a swift nod, Pikachu lunged into action, attacking the cage with Iron tail attack which frees all the captured Pokemon's and they rushed to their trainer who was unconsciousness due to beating of thugs . They carry their unconsciousness trainers in their arms and rushed to the nearby Hospital .
Red cast a glance to the captured Pokemon's who rushed out of the forest while carrying their trainers .

Red stood surrounded by five formidable adversaries. Their eyes, like shards of ice, bore into him, reflecting no hint of mercy or remorse. These were not ordinary thugs; their aura exuded a menacing darkness that sent shivers down the spine of anyone who dared approach them.

The dimming light only intensified the sinister atmosphere that clung to the confrontation.

Pikachu, sensing the impending battle, stood at the ready, its cheeks crackling with electrical energy. Red took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on his opponents. There was no escape; he had to protect himself.

With eerie synchronicity, the five adversaries lunged at Red, their movements swift and deadly. Red's training and instincts kicked in as he met their onslaught with an artful dance of his own-martial arts honed through countless battles. His movements were precise, almost robotic, devoid of emotion, just like his eyes.

His first assailant, a burly man with a menacing grin, swung a powerful punch. Red evaded with a fluid sidestep, countering with a precise strike to the throat, rendering the thug momentarily breathless. He dropped to the ground, clutching his neck.

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