Chapter Five

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"Hey, it's getting late." A voice came from above where Klee was hiding. She looked up from the barrels she was tucked behind, recognising the owner as the newly appointed Cavalry Captain
"It's starting to get dark, Jean's getting worried about where you've got off to." He continued, a worried frown crossing his face that was clear, even with only half of his visible.

Klee was hesitant to stand up, fearing she might be in trouble if she went back to the knights.
"My name is Kaeya. Jean asked me to find you," He introduced himself, holding out his hand to guide Klee home.

"...The adventurer’s guild claiming shady activities around dragonspine isn't exactly new, and it's not much to go on," Jean shook her head, the frustration in her voice snapping klee out of her thoughts.
"It's better than the load of nothing we've had the last three days." Diluc sighed heavily, stopping his pacing to look at Jean. They'd been going over reports all day, and Klee had been with them the whole time. They'd pause occasionally as the library door opened, usually revealing Lisa or Amber bringing in reports that had been brought in late.

The door opened again, this time revealing someone else. Eula. "Not a report but I was asked to give this to Master Diluc." She stated. walking in and handing the envelope in her hands over to him, only to leave as quick as she'd appeared.

Diluc looked confused, turning the envelope over in his hands for a moment before sitting down to open it .

We may not be familiar with one another, Master Diluc, but I may be able to offer some insight to your brother's location. Meet me in the whispering woods tonight.

Diluc frowned, scanning the letter a few times before burying it with the others. He'd taken a mental note of the location and planned to leave that evening.

As night fell, Diluc slipped out of the Knight's headquarters and out of the city. It only took him thirty minutes to reach the whispering woods.

When he reached the woods, there was already someone there waiting.
"Ah, you came. Thank you for your time, comrade." The waiting person said, coming out from the shadows, revealing none other than Childe. The eleventh of the Harbingers. Diluc took a half step back, already preparing to summon his weapon.
"Wait. Before you do anything rash. hear me out. Please?" Childe's voice was almost pleading as he attempted to stay Dilucs hand.

Diluc hesitated, but lowered his arms, motioning for the other man to continue.
"I know enough details that you might get to him before he freezes to death." Freezes? "Alright.You have my attention," Diluc admitted, hands falling completely to his sides but his posture remaining rigid.

"He's on dragonspine. I don't know exactly where but be prepared for multiple days and to fight." The advice was genuine, even for the lack of seriousness the harbinger carried himself with.

Without another word, Diluc was left on his own. He turned back towards Mondstadt and started walking back.

(from chapter six onwards, there are two different stories, with the original version posted first and the alternate version immediately after)

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