"Don't leave," Ajax whispers. Kaeya laughs softly, running his hand through ginger locks, teasing but not mocking.

"I should be saying that," he jokes. It's the wrong reaction, as Ajax clings tighter, digging into Kaeya's ribs. Kaeya holds him tightly, humming softly. "I pinky promise I won't ever leave your side. Even if we did, I'd do whatever it takes to reunite with you." Ajax sniffs softly, nodding in reluctant agreement.

"I swear on my oath as a Harbinger, on my powers as an Abyssal Creature and on my loyalty as an older brother, I'll never leave you again Kaeya, not even in the next life, if there is such a thing," Ajax declares boldly. Kaeya can feel the heat rising into his cheeks. As he goes to protest, Ajax continues. "You have the right to be mad, to reject me, whatever. I just need you to listen, ok? And believe every word I say. Promise?"

"You're worrying me," Kaeya says. Ajax merely gives pleading eyes, the beautiful violet glimmering with tears unshed. The bartender sighs. "Fine, but I don't have any reason to judge you. I have you here, back by my side. That's all that matters to me."

Ajax gives an appreciative smile, relieved. What burden is so heavy that just a few words could lessen the weight? "I don't know when it happened, but I fell in love with you. I think, at least." Kaeya's eye widens, Ajax doesn't seem to realise as he continues to ramble. "You always make me feel warm inside, content. It's not really the 'I'm obsessed with you' but the uh 'You being here makes me feel safe' kind of way and I don't know how to explain it but... I love you. And I know I don't dese- Mmph!"

For a moment, Kaeya is worried when Ajax does not respond. Had he read the room wrong? He almost pulls away when Ajax reels him back in, cupping his face and kissing him with gentleness unbecoming of a warrior. The kiss is awkward, Kaeya had never kissed another while he was still alive.

Still, as they pull away, and he gets to see the brightness restored to Ajax's eyes for the slightest moment, he thinks it is the best first kiss one could ever have. The freckled cheeks stained pink with affection, the shy smile of someone who has not received or given affection like this before. It was perfect. "I know I was supposed to listen, but you were about to trash talk yourself and we don't condone this type of behaviour in the tavern," Kaeya jokes with a fond smile. Ajax groans.

"What is up with Ragnvindrs banning patrons from their establishments because I'm being pessimistic? This is a hate against gingers," the soldier whines. Kaeya can only smile innocently and suppress a giggle. They were brothers after all. He didn't need to have the same appearance or the same blood to know. "Seriously though, after what I put you through... I wouldn't have expected you to reciprocate."

"Well, you thought wrong," Kaeya grins. "It's a lot harder to get rid of me than you think. Leaving for nine years? That only makes me want you more~" The bartender teases. Ajax goes red at his comment, and Kaeya feels his heart swell.

"Just to like... You know, let you know. I don't... Think I'm cut out for romance. I-It's nice but I don't..." Ajax trails off. Kaeya doesn't really get it, but Ajax looks ashamed to say it aloud, and he couldn't have that.

"Whatever it is, I don't mind. No physical contact? Sure. No intimate touches? Fine. Just having you by my side is ok with me. You don't have to do all of those things to prove what you feel. You just feel," Kaeya reassures. The ex-Harbinger smiles shyly, a rare expression that Kaeya doesn't hesitate to indulge in.

"We can work it out along the way," Ajax agrees. Kaeya smiles with a nod. "Ugh, you need to stop being perfect, I don't deserve you."

"Agree to disagree," Kaeya hums. "You're a warrior who fights for his goddess, loyal till the end. You're kind to your family despite your morals, you came back even after knowing the truth of my mortality. You've done everything to make sure I was content after learning about my loneliness, always staying by my side. If anything, I don't deserve you ." Ajax's eyes widened.

"Kae, you're my everything . You've gone through so much, you've always been so understanding of me despite your grudge against the Fatui. You accepted me for who I was, not where I came from. You allowed me to start over again here in Mondstadt, always lent an ear and listened to me... Falling in love with you is easy, and you deserve all of my love." For a moment, the two just stared at each other, basking in each other's words of affection before smiling at one another.

"Alright," the bartender agrees. "We're both too stubborn for this conversation." Ajax chuckles, sighing contently.

"Agreed. Doesn't matter, as long as you know that I need you by my side." Kaeya nods in agreement, eyes flickering over towards the window, the thin glass keeping him from the outside world. He turns to Ajax and smiles.

"Even if I'm tethered to this border between life and death, I think I'll be ok knowing you'd be here with me..." He smiles, offering his hand out towards the warrior. Ajax doesn't hesitate to take it, something that warms Kaeya's cold heart. "But let's go, shall we?"

Ajax nods. For how cold ghosts are, the ex-Harbinger's hands were warm. Kaeya's eye widened after a moment.

"Wait! Hang on..." Kaeya lets go to rush into the storage room, frantically sorting through his things, leaving Ajax chuckling in amusement.

"Take your time," Ajax reassures. Kaeya smiles gratefully as he leaves a few things on the counter before nodding and retaking Ajax's hand. "Whatever happens, we do it together."


To Diluc (and Jean if she's reading this),

I'm probably gone by the time you have read this letter. I knew the day would come eventually. I'm sorry I had to leave you two behind like this just as we were starting to repair the bond that had almost been destroyed. In any case, I'm glad I got to spend time with you before I had to leave.

Don't be too sad about me leaving, just remember having fun, alright? At least this time, you won't feel as guilty. I know you've probably beat yourself over my death hundreds of times Diluc. Even if I can't remember it, I know it's not your fault. And Jean, don't feel guilty about not being able to save me in time. I had probably done that on purpose.

I've probably met Childe again if I've given you this letter. If he's alive, take care of him for me, alright? I know you two have been getting pretty close, he would not shut up about you. Honestly, it made me so jealous. Stupid Diluc with his stupid title of Uncrowned King and Most Eligible Bachelor of Mondstadt. Should've been me, I was always the prettier sibling. Make sure to give him the narwhal plushie if he is.

If by the time you've reached this letter he's dead, keep the narwhal plushie. He would've wanted you to keep it anyway. He doesn't like flowers by the way, much prefers starconches. Remember him for me, because there won't be anyone who will remember his name, continue his legacy... For all that he has done, he doesn't deserve to be lost in history.

In any case, you now have explicit permission to do whatever the fuck you want my things. Burn them, keep them, whatever. I leave them in your hands. Make sure to not spiral into self-doubt, or my vengeful spirit will come back to kick you out of your own tavern. As that Lawrence girl says, 'Vengeance will be mine!'. So be a good big brother and don't miss me too much, alright? You too Jean, no overworking yourself while you're at it. I'm putting Diluc on Jean-watching duty.

The memories we've had together were much too short, but I cherish them all the same. Make sure to keep them for me, alright?


Rainy Day Tavern // A Chaeya FicWhere stories live. Discover now