
"B-I-M-B-O. Idiot. Imbecile. Thought you were the genius," she retorts. "I am so sick of you looking down on me."

"I do not look down on you."

"Yes, you do. You don't think I'm as smart as you. You don't think I'm as capable. You think I'm a slut. Admit it Nancy. You think I'm below you."

"You're being ridiculous."

"No, I'm really intrigued to know what you're gonna do when you realize that you're not the only smart girl in the world. You think you're better than quite literally everyone you meet. That you're entitled to all the good in the world just because you're Nancy Wheeler. Newsflash, no one in the real world cares."

"Oh, yeah, Samantha? What are you gonna do when you realize that everyone can see how insecure you are? I mean, Queen of Hawkins High? What a joke."


"Nancy, please enlighten me what your problem with me is. Because I know why I don't like you, but really, you have no reason not to like me."


"You're so shallow, I mean all you care about is being popular and looking good, instead of the real things that matter-"

"You haven't experienced a single real thing in your life! You've been walking around with a silver spoon and crocodile tears since you were 5!"

"Oh whatever. The truth is, we don't need you for this. I'll call you when I need fashion advice."

"Oh, you mean right now?" she mocks, eyeing her outfit up and down. "Look, whether you think I'm an idiot or not, you and I both know I know how to handle people."

The brunette pauses, accepting that even though she had her qualms with her, Sam was an asset ninety percent of the time.

"Fine, Samantha. You can come. Happy?"

"Elated," she sits down next to Robin, glaring at the back of Nancy's head.

"Can you call Pennhurst Asylum?"


A few hours later, Nancy's minions come by with the resumes, handing them to each girl.

"Julie Rodriguez?" Sam raises her eyebrows.

"I couldn't use our real names, just in case we get caught."

"I'm just glad you didn't choose Maria," she jokes. "And I admit these look decent."

"Just decent?"

"Don't push it."

"Okay," she pipes down, opening the door for them to go downstairs to tell the group their plan.

They walk down to the basement to see the boys all reading the articles about Victor Creel that'd they'd copied at the library, while Max continues to write something at the desk.

Sam looks at her in concern, as she had been doing so since Nancy and Robin woke her up.

"So, we have a plan."

"Thanks to Nancy, we are now rock-star psychology students at the University of Notre Dame."

"I'm now Ruth," Nancy grins.

"I'm Julie," Sam adds, sitting on the arm of Steve's chair.

"And I'm Rose," Robin finishes off, as Steve continues flipping through.


"Boring, I know," Sam shrugs.

"Nice GPA."

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